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Shaaaaaaaaaron committed Mar 19, 2021
1 parent 0479b3a commit 302995c
Showing 1 changed file with 58 additions and 2 deletions.
60 changes: 58 additions & 2 deletions
@@ -1,2 +1,58 @@
# Hyper-Random-Minecraft
Pack of 8 different randomizers for Minecraft 1.16!
If you have any other idea to add for the randomizer list, you can suggest it! (Discarded ideas: Block Drops Randomizer, Mob Drops Randomizer, and Recipe Randomizer)
## About
This datapack is a combination of 8 different random packs I made, and it's customizable. It gives a challenging and different way to play the game.
Info about the different randomizers below!

## List of randomizers

**- Chest Loot Randomizer**
- Randomizes the loot found in structures

**- Entity Color Randomizer**
- Randomizes the name and glowing aura color of every mob and player
- When a mob takes damage, they get glowing for one second
- Includes a death count scoreboard and a health list on TAB

**- Mob Equipment Randomizer**
- Randomizes the items of every hostile and neutral mob
- Even mobs that don't look like they're wearing armor or items, they _actually_ are
- Every mob has a chance of dropping their items

**- Mob NBT Randomizer**
- Randomizes some mob NBT tags like Movement Speed, Attack Damage, and Health
- Gives every animal and Zombie a chance of being a baby variant
- Gives every Creeper a chance of being charged
- The Ender Dragon is not affected by these tags

**- Mob Spawning Randomizer**
- Randomizes the spawn of every passive and hostile mob
- Exceptions:
- Bat
- Blaze
- Piglin
- Iron Golem
- Villager
- Water Mobs
- Ender Dragon

**- Player Weapon Randomizer**
- Every 5 seconds a random melee weapon is given to each player on their hotbar slot 1
- Every 5 seconds a random long-range weapon is give to each player on their hotbar slot 2
- Every 5 seconds each player gets 1 to 4 arrows
- Every item can get random enchantments
- You can ONLY attack by using the items given by the randomizer

**- Potion Effect Randomizer**
- Every 5 seconds each mob and player will get a random potion effect
- Each effect will last for 15 seconds (except for Levitation), for a total of 3 effects at once
- Potion effects you can't get: Instant Damage, Wither

**- Time and Weather Randomizer**
- Every 30 seconds the will advance or change, or either change the weather between rain, thunder, and normal

## Customization
The datapack includes the option to disable and enable the randomizers you want.
Simply use **/trigger hrm.settings!** (Sadly, due to how Minecraft works, the Chest Loot Randomizer can't be disabled this way. If you really want to disable it, open the datapack .zip file, then go to "data/minecraft/loot_tables/chests" and delete the folder named "chests")

Hope you enjoy playing with this! (it's quite challenging though lol)

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