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Releases: Servebolt/servebolt-optimizer

Support for NextGenLinux

08 Dec 10:57
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Adds support for NextGen Linux and also fixes problem when the categories on first save were not purging as expected, and purge by tag now defaults to CacheTag where possible.

Fixing menu cache transients

04 Oct 12:44
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The menu caching was not deleting all transients, it now is.


01 Jun 13:16
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  • Bugfix - Removed menu manifest file option from Prefetch-feature
  • Bugfix - Resolved issue with the cache purge features in row actions for taxonomies/post types
  • Bugfix - Better error handling in automatic cache purge of products during WooCommerce checkout
  • Bugfix - Better error handling in automatic setup of WP Cron on multisite
  • Bugfix - Error during plugin uninstallation
  • Bugfix - Better error handling when environment file is not present


01 Jun 13:17
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  • Fixed incompatibility issue with plugin Lightweight Sidebar Manager
  • Fixed issue with automatic cron setup (Servebolt-clients only) not working due to bug in the Servebolt API
  • Added migration to clean up legacy transients (orphaned transients without expiry)
  • Fixed bug in settings form for the Prefetch-feature
  • Fixed bug in feature access check for the Accelerated Domains Image Resize-feature
  • Fixed bug in database migration runner


01 Jun 13:17
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  • Fixed issue with cache headers and authentication-check (user role determination)


03 Mar 10:51
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  • Hotfix for issue related to transients without expiry


24 Feb 15:52
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  • Added support for cache provider "Servebolt CDN"
  • Bugfix - WP Admin markup error. The styling for the information panel used in for example the cache settings page was broken in WordPress v5.9, but this is now fixed.
  • New feature - Clear site data on login. In v3.5 a new feature was added - every time a user logs in then we return a header telling the browser to clear local storage and browser cache. This is useful to ensure that cached content gets cleared for logged in users.
  • New feature - Support for Servebolt CDN. The plugin now supports Servebolt CDN.
  • Beta feature - Accelerated Domains Prefetching. We’ve added a new feature for users of Accelerated Domains - Prefetching of assets and menu items. This feature allows for our infrastructure to preliminary fetch the assets of a webpage and cache them in our infrastructure which results in reduction of load time. Another feature is that menu items gets prefetched as well, meaning that when you navigate to a subpage it has already been cached and is ready to be served in no time!
  • New feature - Cache purging when Accelerated Domains is disabled
    We have added a feature to purge all cache even when Accelerated Domains is disabled. This is useful when deactivating Accelerated Domains and doing a proper “cleaning up” by clearing all cache.
  • New feature - Automatic WP Cron setup (including Action Scheduler) (Servebolt-clients only). We have added a feature to automatically set up the WP Cron so that it runs using the UNIX cron. This offloads WordPress from having to trigger scheduled tasks as well as making the process of setting it up a lot easier. Note that this feature also sets up the Action Scheduler (used by WooCommerce and other plugins) to be run using the UNIX cron.
  • Bugfix - Accelerated Domains Image Resize can only be enabled when site has access
    Previously a Servebolt-client was able to enable Accelerated Domains Image Resizing even when the client did not have access to it (based on their subscription). We’ve not added a check so only eligible clients can enable the feature. Note that enabling the feature while not having access to it will result in the feature not being active. The subscription needs to be in place for the feature to work. This “bugfix” only fixes the GUI so that we communicate better to the client whether they have access or not.
  • Bugfix - Improved cache purge queue feature
    We’ve improved the cleanup of the cache purge queue to prevent the queu from growing too big. This is done by removing all completed queue items as well as removing failed queue items that are older than 1 month.
  • New feature - Purge all network feature
    We’ve now added a feature to purge all cache for all sites in a multisite-network. You can find it in the dropdown in the top bar in WP Admin.
  • Bugfix - WooCommerce product simple cache purge on checkout
    Whenever a user checks out in WooCommerce then the cache for the products in the cart will be purged. Due to how we purge cache a whole range of URLs might be included in the cache purging. This is because a post/page/product might be visible on the front page, in archives etc. and thus we include the front page URL, archive URL in the cache purge actions. But in the context of WooCommerce checkout and WooCommerce product we decided that a simple cache purge will suffice - this meaning that we only purge cache for the product URL, not the front page URL or any other related URL.
  • Bugfix - WooCommerce product immediate cache purge on checkout. Whenever a user checks out in WooCommerce then the cache for the products in the cart will be purged. For many users this means using the queue to purge the cache of these products, but in the case of WooCommerce checkouts we now purge cache immediately regardless of whether they have the queue based cache purge active or not.
  • Bugfix in Menu optimizer – We saw that the menu optimizer feature was incompatible with some WordPress-themes. The feature was therefore refactored and should now be better suited to work with most WordPress-themes.


20 Sep 10:16
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  • Bugfix - WP admin bar markup error - Fixed minor markup error in the WP admin bar dropdown menu. An obsolete “target”-attribute was added to the parent div element which is invalid.
  • Bugfix - menu cache feature issue with filters - Whenever a 3rd party adds a menu using the filter wp_nav_menu_args, we could not cache the result due to how we interact using WordPress filters. This should now be fixed.
  • Bugfix - menu cache feature producing excessive amount of transient rows - The menu cache feature produced too many transients due to the way the transient key (a.k.a. cache key) was generated. Solved by making the transient key less complicated and by adding a filter so that 3rd parties can modify the cache behaviour instead.
  • Cache purge queue origin metadata - Whenever an item is added to the cache purge queue, we now also add the origin of this event. For example a manual cache purge, or an automatic cache purge on content update etc.
  • Simplified cache purge - During cache purge we previously purged related URLs for a WP object (posts, terms etc.). Related URLs could be the front-page, archives etc. In some cases this caused large amounts of URLs to be purged cache for even when not needed. We have simplified cache purge in some cases – like for example during checkout in WooCommerce.
  • Improved cache purging for the menu cache feature - Whenever a menu is assigned to a menu location we now purge cache for the previously assigned menu. This process prevents orphaned transient rows and help prevent the options table from getting bloated.
  • Bugfix - Migration error on plugin activation/deactivation in CLI-context - Whenever the plugin was activated or deactivated there was, in some cases, an error due to the database migration not being ran correctly. This should now be solved.
  • Bugfix - Fixed broken Cloudflare API credentials validation in form - Whenever Cloudflare was selected as cache provider in the cache purge configuration form the validation did not function. This is now fixed.
  • Bugfix - Fixed unhandled exceptions - Due to missing namespace, some exceptions went unhandled which again caused fatal errors in some cases. Highly unfortunate! This is now fixed.
  • Bugfix - Could not determine if in Servebolt hosting environment from Cron-trigged CLI context - Due to absence of server variables, the system could not determine whether the code was executing in a Servebolt server environment when it was ran in CLI-context trigged by Cron. This is now fixed.
  • Changed name of menu cache feature - Due to confusion between Cloudflare/Accelerated Domains-cache and the menu cache feature we changed the name said feature to “Menu Optimizer”.


24 Aug 10:25
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  • Improved automated cache purging - The automatic cache purge has been improved, primarily in 3 areas. Whenever a post/term gets deleted then the cache gets purged. Whenever an attachment gets updated (resized, cropped etc.) we purge cache for URLs, including all image sizes if the attachment is an image. Whenever a post gets excluded from the HTML Cache (formerly Full Page Cache) then we also purge cache.
  • Custom cache TTL per post type - One can now control the cache TTL (time-to-live) per post type. This allows for more fine-grained cache control.
  • More fine-grained access control to cache purge feature - Previously only administrators could purge cache. This is now changed using more fine-grained capability checks - administrators and editors can now purge cache, while authors can purge cache for their own posts. Contributors and subscribers cannot purge cache.
  • Better Jetpack compatibility - Previously the Jetpack Site Accelerator was in conflict with Servebolt’s Accelerated Domains. This is now fixed with Site Accelerator being disabled whenever Accelerated Domains or Accelerated Domains Image Resize-feature is active.
  • Menu cache performance feature - We’ve added a new performance enhancing feature - WordPress menu cache. This usually decreases TTFB with several milliseconds, even for menus with few items. The feature also includes automatic cache purge whenever a menu gets updated.
  • Translation loader performance feature - We’ve added a new performance enhancing feature - improved WordPress translations file loader. Whenever WordPress loads the translations from MO-files this causes a lot disk I/O. This feature will cache the MO-file using transients which in return decreases the loading time.


24 Aug 10:25
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  • Added index to column "parent_id" in the queue table to improve query performance.