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Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree

My project work for the Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree by Udacity.


This is a collection of projects required to complete Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree.

  • Project 1 - Movie Trailer Website: Fresh Potatoes

    • Static web page allowing users to browse their movies and watch trailers.
    • List of favourite movies contatins title, trailer url, story, box imagery art of each movie.
    • Used advanced OOP of Python for movie instances and auto-generating HTML file for fetching various Movies.
  • Project 2 - Buid a Portfolio Site: Mostafa Elsheikh

    • HTML and CSS files were written and iterated until the files is a representative of the design mockup. CSS is based on bootstrap.css and on a self-written CSS document.
    • Additional features have been added like Social Icons using Font-Awesome, Carousel with a Pause button and embedded Tweets.
  • Project 3 - Log Analysis: Reporting Tool

    • News is PostgreSQL database has 3 tables (Authors, Articles, Log). The log table is relatively massive (1,677,735 rows!).
    • Used simplified queries as I could, and preprocessed data through SQL queries rather than handling them through Python for much performance.
  • Project 4 - Item Catalog: CATALOG

    • Interactive Web application for sports equipment, showing categories of sports and their items.
    • Using third-party OAuth2, Giving authority only for who added items, to be able to update or delete it. Other members can create items.
  • Project 5 - Neighborhood Map: StickOut - Live Demo

    • Single Page Application that shows places you would like to visit in Cairo and shows wiki articles about those places. This app uses Google Maps API, and Wikipedia API.
    • User can search for any location on the whole map. It can filter saved places and show them only on map. It is responsive on mobile as well.
  • Project 6 - Linux Server Configuration

    • A baseline installation of Ubuntu Linux on a virtual machine to host a Flask web application. This includes the installation of updates, securing the system from a number of attack vectors and installing/configuring web and database servers.