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Discord Ticket Bot

If you need more information about these projects, go to Project Discord's Page

This is a Discord.js bot developed by Sapphire Devs. It serves as a ticket system bot with additional features such as Discord sharding, slash command handling, event handling, error handling, and ticket management commands.


  1. Slash Command Handling + SubCommand Handling
  2. Event Handler
  3. Simple Error Handling
  4. Ticket Management Commands
  5. Ticket Creation and Closing
  6. Ticket Transcripts

Technologies Used

The bot is built using the following technologies:

How to Contribute

If you have any improvements or suggestions, you are welcome to contribute to the project. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Fork the project repository.
  2. Make the desired changes or improvements.
  3. Create a pull request with your changes.

Join Sapphire Devs

You can join Sapphire Devs on the following platforms:


Thanks to the following contributors who have made this project possible:


Featured By Project Discord


Here are some screenshots showcasing the ticket system in action:

Ticket Message

Setting up the ticket system

Ticket Created

Creating a ticket

Closing a ticket

Closing a ticket

Getting the transcript

Getting the transcript

Viewing the transcript

Viewing the transcript