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Data and code for "Nibbling at the Hard Core of Word Sense Disambiguation" (ACL 2022).

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Nibbling at the Hard Core of Word Sense Disambiguation

Paper Conference License: CC BY-NC 4.0

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If you use any part of this work, please consider citing the paper as follows:

    title      = "Nibbling at the Hard Core of {W}ord {S}ense {D}isambiguation",
    author     = "Maru, Marco and Conia, Simone and Bevilacqua, Michele and Navigli, Roberto",
    booktitle  = "Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2022)",
    month      = may,
    year       = "2022",
    address    = "Dublin, Ireland",
    publisher  = "Association for Computational Linguistics"


This is the repository for the paper Nibbling at the Hard Core of Word Sense Disambiguation, to be presented at ACL 2022 by Marco Maru, Simone Conia, Michele Bevilacqua and Roberto Navigli.


With state-of-the-art systems having finally attained estimated human performance, Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) has now joined the array of Natural Language Processing tasks that have seemingly been solved, thanks to the vast amounts of knowledge encoded into Transformer-based pre-trained language models. And yet, if we look below the surface of raw figures, it is easy to realize that current approaches still make trivial mistakes that a human would never make. In this work, we provide evidence showing why the F1 score metric should not simply be taken at face value and present an exhaustive analysis of the errors that seven of the most representative state-of-the-art systems for English all-words WSD make on traditional evaluation benchmarks. In addition, we produce and release a collection of test sets featuring (a) an amended version of the standard evaluation benchmark that fixes its lexical and semantic inaccuracies, (b) 42D, a challenge set devised to assess the resilience of systems with respect to least frequent word senses and senses not seen at training time, and (c) hardEN, a challenge set made up solely of instances which none of the investigated state-of-the-art systems can solve. We make all of the test sets and model predictions available to the research community at


You can download a copy of all the files in this repository by cloning the git repository:

git clone

or download a zip archive.

How to run

We recommend a working Python environment to run the code. The recommended way to set up your environment is through the Anaconda Python distribution which provides the conda package manager. Anaconda can be installed in your user directory and does not interfere with the system Python installation.

We use conda virtual environments to manage the project dependencies in isolation. Thus, you can install our dependencies without causing conflicts with your setup (even with different Python versions).

Our conde depends on just nltk, version 3.4.5. You will also need to download WordNet files with python -c 'import nltk;"wordnet")'.

To automate the environment setup, you can use the script that we provide. Run the following command and follow the steps to create a separate environment:

# Make sure you have installed conda.
> ./
> Enter environment name (recommended: wsd-hard-benchmark): wsd-hard-benchmark
> Enter python version (recommended: 3.8): 3.8

The WSD hard benchmark


Our revised and amended evaluation benchmark for WSD includes the following datasets:

├── 42D
│   ├──
│   └──
├── ALLamended
│   ├──
│   └──
├── hardEN
│   ├──
│   └──
├── S10amended
│   ├──
│   └──
└── softEN

Data format

We follow the format used in Word Sense Disambiguation: A Unified Evaluation Framework and Empirical Comparison (Raganato et al., 2017). In particular, each dataset dataset_name is divided into two files:

  • An XML file that contains the test sentences, meta-data and the target words the system has to disambiguate.
  • A text file which contains the ground truth for the target words in

Here is a sample from

  • The root element is corpus.
  • Each sentence is wrapped within <sentence> ... </sentence> tags.
  • Each non-target word is wrapped within <wf> ... </wf> tags.
  • Each target word, i.e., word to disambiguate is wrapped within <instance> ... </instance> tags. The id of an instance is used in the file to indicate the corresponding gold sense(s).
  • Both wf and instance elements are provided with their corresponding lemmas and part-of-speech (pos) tags.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<corpus lang="en" source="senseval2-senseval3-semeval2013-semeval2015">
  <text id="senseval2.d000">
    <sentence id="senseval2.d000.s000">
      <wf lemma="the" pos="DET">The</wf>
      <instance id="senseval2.d000.s000.t000" lemma="art" pos="NOUN">art</instance>
      <wf lemma="of" pos="ADP">of</wf>
      <wf lemma="change_ringing" pos="NOUN">change-ringing</wf>
      <wf lemma="be" pos="VERB">is</wf>
      <instance id="senseval2.d000.s000.t002" lemma="peculiar" pos="ADJ">peculiar</instance>
      <wf lemma="to" pos="PRT">to</wf>
      <wf lemma="the" pos="DET">the</wf>
      <instance id="senseval2.d000.s000.t003" lemma="english" pos="NOUN">English</instance>
      <wf lemma="," pos=".">,</wf>
      <wf lemma="and" pos="CONJ">and</wf>
      <wf lemma="," pos=".">,</wf>
      <wf lemma="like" pos="ADP">like</wf>
      <instance id="senseval2.d000.s000.t004" lemma="most" pos="ADJ">most</instance>
      <instance id="senseval2.d000.s000.t005" lemma="english" pos="ADJ">English</instance>
      <instance id="senseval2.d000.s000.t006" lemma="peculiarity" pos="NOUN">peculiarities</instance>
      <wf lemma="," pos=".">,</wf>
      <instance id="senseval2.d000.s000.t007" lemma="unintelligible" pos="ADJ">unintelligible</instance>
      <wf lemma="to" pos="PRT">to</wf>
      <wf lemma="the" pos="DET">the</wf>
      <instance id="senseval2.d000.s000.t008" lemma="rest" pos="NOUN">rest</instance>
      <wf lemma="of" pos="ADP">of</wf>
      <wf lemma="the" pos="DET">the</wf>
      <instance id="senseval2.d000.s000.t009" lemma="world" pos="NOUN">world</instance>
      <wf lemma="." pos=".">.</wf>

Here is a sample from

  • Each line refers to an instance.
  • The first element of each line is the id of the instance (see above).
  • The other elements of the line are the gold senses expressed as WordNet sense keys.
  • In case of multiple gold senses, they are all equally valid (according to expert annotators).
senseval2.d000.s000.t000 art%1:09:00::
senseval2.d000.s000.t002 peculiar%5:00:00:characteristic:00 peculiar%5:00:00:specific:00
senseval2.d000.s000.t003 english%1:18:00::
senseval2.d000.s000.t004 most%3:00:02::
senseval2.d000.s000.t005 english%3:01:00::
senseval2.d000.s000.t006 peculiarity%1:07:02:: peculiarity%1:09:00::
senseval2.d000.s000.t007 unintelligible%5:00:00:incomprehensible:00
senseval2.d000.s000.t008 rest%1:24:00::
senseval2.d000.s000.t009 world%1:14:02::


  • ALLamended: A revised and amended version of the widely used ALL dataset proposed by Raganato et al. (2017). It is constructed by concatenating Senseval2, Senseval3, SemEval-2013, and SemEval-2015. NOTE: Differently from the original ALL, this dataset does not contain SemEval-2007 which is often used in the literature as the development/validation set.
  • SemEval-2010 (S10amended): A revised and amended version of SemEval-2010.
  • 42D: A novel challenge set for WSD, comprising difficult and out-of-domain words/senses.
  • hardEN: A "hard" dataset built by including all the instances of ALLamended, SemEval-2010 and 42D that are disambiguated incorrectly by several state-of-the-art systems.
  • softEN: This dataset includes all the instances of ALLamended, SemEval-2010 and 42D that are not included in hardEN.


We provide two scripts to compute the micro-averaged F1 score and the macro-averaged F1 score (we refer to the paper for further details).

Micro F1

You can compute the micro F1 score of your system using the following command:

python evaluation/ \
    --gold_path <path/to/gold/keys.txt> \
    --pred_path <path/to/pred/keys.txt>

Optionally, you can specify another keys file which will be used to filter instances, i.e., the evaluation script will only consider those instances appearing in this third file.

# Evaluates the score of ESC on the instances of ALL by only considering
# those instances that appear in ALLamended.
python evaluation/ \
    --gold_path \
    --pred_path esc-predictions.key.txt \

Macro F1

You can compute the macro F1 score of your system using the following command:

python evaluation/ \
    --gold_path <path/to/gold/keys.txt> \
    --pred_path <path/to/pred/keys.txt>

Similarly to the micro F1 scoring script, you can also specify another keys file which will be used to filter instances, i.e., the evaluation script will only consider those instances appearing in this third file.

# Evaluates the score of ESC on the instances of ALL by only considering
# those instances that appear in ALLamended.
python evaluation/ \
    --gold_path \
    --pred_path esc-predictions.key.txt \

The macro F1 scoring script has also a "strict" mode, which you can enable by using the --strict flag as follows:

python evaluation/ \
    --gold_path <path/to/gold/keys.txt> \
    --pred_path <path/to/pred/keys.txt> \

System predictions

We include the predictions of several state-of-the-art systems for WSD in evaluation/predictions:

> tree evaluation/predictions/
├── 42D
│   ├── ares-predictions.42D.key.txt
│   ├── bem-predictions.42D.key.txt
│   ├── esc-k1-predictions.42D.key.txt
│   ├── esc-predictions.42D.key.txt
│   ├── esc-semcor+k1-predictions.42D.key.txt
│   ├── ewiser-predictions.42D.key.txt
│   ├── generationary-predictions.42D.key.txt
│   ├── glossbert-predictions.42D.key.txt
│   ├── majority-predictions.ranked.42D.key.txt
│   ├── majority-predictions.uniform.42D.key.txt
│   └── syntagrank-predictions.42D.key.txt
├── ALL
│   ├── ares-predictions.key.txt
│   ├── bem-predictions.key.txt



overall results on the benchmark


The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the ERC Consolidator Grant MOUSSE No. 726487 and the European Language Grid project No. 825627 (Universal Semantic Annotator, USeA) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

This work was partially supported by the COST Action CA18209 - NexusLinguarum "European network for Web-centred linguistic data science".


This work is under the Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.


Data and code for "Nibbling at the Hard Core of Word Sense Disambiguation" (ACL 2022).




