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DnDough DoughTM

Dice roller for the aspiring DM

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DndDough is a browser based dice roller app. You can currently roll any valid DnD die [d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20].

You can remove/add dice, select a theme and enable/disable sounds (saving of these preferences works through local storage). All dice can be rolled at once and dice can be individually rerolled. Dice spawn with a 0 value and will not be automaticly rolled.

Simple Dice "templates" can be made by appending dice type and count to the url, some examples: - ?8_2 will load 2 d8's - ?8_3_10_2 will load 3 d8's and 2 d10's

At any moment you can copy current dice, this will give you a dice template you can "save" and append the base url with.


  • ui uix quality of life changes
  • Automated deploys

Happy rolling!