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Hom Nath Gharti edited this page Jul 7, 2017 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the SPECFEM 3D Geotech wiki!

SPECFEM 3D Geotech is an open-source, parallel and cross-platform geotechnical engineering application. This software was originally developed for slope stability analysis and simulation of multistage excavation. Main features include surface loading, water table, gravity loading, and pseudostatic earthquake loading. The software is parallelized based on MPI and domain decomposition.


Body Text

We use SPECFEM3D GEOTECH 1.2.0 ( Gharti et al., 2012a; Gharti et al., 2012b; Gharti et al., 2017) published under the GPL3 license.

Cite code as

Gharti, H.N.; Komatitsch, D.; Langer, L.; Martin, R.; Oye, V.; Tromp, J.; Vaaland, U.; Yan, Z. (2017), SPECFEM 3D Geotech: an open-source, parallel and cross-platform geotechnical engineering application, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.820154, url:

Primary References

Gharti, H.N.; Komatitsch, D.; Oye, V.; Martin, R.; Tromp, J. (2012a), Application of an elastoplastic spectral-element method to 3D slope stability analysis, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 91 (1) , 1-26, doi: 10.1002/nme.3374, url:

Gharti, H.N.; Oye, V.; Komatitsch, D.; Tromp, J. (2012b), Simulation of multistage excavation based on a 3D spectral-element method, Computers & Structures, 100-101, 54-69, doi: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2012.03.005, url:

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