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This project is a survey taking web application made for Stony Brook Students to evaluate themselves as they progress through their class. The program is for teachers who want to customize their own surveys they can give to students. The program includes a beginning survey , in between course survey, and an end of class survey.

Survey Features

Getting Started

Create Json file with name "survey1","survey2",or"survey3". Start Json file for questions like this:

{"questions": [{

Different Question Types

Mulitple Choice (mc):

mc example

  "type": "mc",
  "text": "(Question Text)",
  "choices": ["Choice 1", "Choice 2" , "Choice ETC"],
  "questionId": "sec_#"

Okay Choice (ok):

ok example

  "type": "ok", 
  "text": "(Question Text)",
  "questionId": "sec_#"

Number Fill-In (intfill):

intfill example

  "type": "intfill",
  "text": "(Question Text)",
  "questionId": "sec_#"

Text Fill-In (fill):

fill example

  "type": "fill",
  "text": "(Question Text)",
  "questionId": "sec_#"

Multiple Choice/Fill In (mcfill):

  "type": "mcfill",
  "text": "(Question Text)",
  "choices": ["Choice 1", "Choice 2" , "Choice ETC"],
  "questionId": "sec_#"

Slider Ranges (slider):

slider example

  "type": "slider",
  "text": "(Question Text)",
  "extremes": ["Extreme (Variable)", "Not at all (Variable)"],
  "questionId": "sec_#"

Dropdwon Choices (list):

list example

  "type": "list",
  "text": "(Question Text)",
  "choices": ["Choice 1", "Choice 2" , "Choice ETC"],
  "questionId": "sec_#"

User Setting Questions

Birthday Question (birthday):

birthday example

  "type": "birthday",
  "text": "(Question Text)",
  "questionId": "sec_#"

Major and Minor Question (major):

major example

  "type": "major",
  "text": "(Question Text)",
  "questionId": "sec_#"

Consent Release Question (consent):

consent example

  "type": "consent",
  "text": "(Question Text)",
  "questionId": "sec_#"

Name Question (name):

name example

  "type": "name",
  "text": "(Question Text)",
  "questionId": "sec_#"

Emailing Options Question (email):

email example

  "type": "email",
  "text": "(Question Text)",
  "questionId": "sec_#"

Question Features

Multiple Questions (multi):

  "type": "(Question Type)",
  "text": "(Question Text *add "{{MULTI}}" to area where you want text to be replaced*)",
  "multi": true,
  "parts": [{
  	"text": "Expression #1",
  	"questionId": "parts0"
  }, {
  	"text": "Expression #2",
  	"questionId": "parts1"
  }, {
  	"text": "Expression #3",
  	"questionId": "parts2"
  "questionId": "sec_#"

Followup Questions (followups):

  "type": "mc",
  "text": "(Question Text)",
  "followups": [{
  "choice": [#],
    "question": {
      "type": "(Question Type)",
      "text": "(Question Text)",
      "questionId": "followups#"
  "questionId": "sec_#"

Hovering Text (hover):

  "type": "(Question Type)",
  "text": "(Question Text)",
  "hover": "(Hover Text)",
  "questionId": "sec_#"

Optional Questions (required):

  "type": "(Question Type)",
  "text": "(Question Text)",
  "required": true/false,
  "questionId": "sec_#"


Created by Rahul Sondhi at TLL(Teaching Learning Lab) in Stony Brook University


This project is a quiz taking web application made for Stony Brook Students. The program is for teachers who want to customize their own quizzes they can give to students.






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