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DSA in Python - Coding Ninjas

This repository contains solutions to coding problems related to Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) in Python. The questions are part of the DSA in Python course by Coding Ninjas. The solutions cover various topics including recursion, object-oriented programming (OOPs), time and space complexity, linked lists, binary trees, trees, dictionaries, dynamic programming, backtracking, and more.

Table of Contents


The repository includes solutions to recursion problems. Recursive algorithms are implemented to solve various coding challenges.


Object-Oriented Programming principles are applied in some of the solutions, demonstrating the use of classes and objects.

Time and Space Complexity

The code examples showcase the analysis of time and space complexity for different algorithms, helping understand the efficiency of the solutions.

Linked List

Linked list problems are covered, demonstrating operations and algorithms related to linked lists.

Binary Tree

Solutions involving binary tree data structures are included, covering traversal, manipulation, and search algorithms.


Other tree-related problems are addressed, showcasing the versatility of tree structures in various algorithms.


The use of dictionaries in Python is demonstrated in some solutions, leveraging the efficiency of dictionary data structures.

Dynamic Programming

Dynamic programming problems are solved, providing optimized solutions through memorization and bottom-up approaches.


Backtracking algorithms are implemented for solving problems involving exploration and finding solutions step by step.

And More

Explore the repository for a wide range of coding challenges covering different aspects of Data Structures and Algorithms in Python.

Feel free to contribute by adding more solutions, optimizing existing ones, or suggesting improvements.

Happy Coding! 🚀