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General info

When your Drupal site need to act as a backend you would like to restrict third side application for a specific given set of entities and a very specific set of fields. This module, Apps entity restrictions, give you the option to create application representation. Each record will have a public key and a secret key and have a list of allowed method he can apply for each entity and to which properties and fields.

This module won't implement any logic for you and this is your responsibility to hook in hook_field_access, hook_entity_access and restrict your exposed properties in restful public fields info method.


Except for a nice UI under admin/structure/apps there is a nice API.

Create a new application:

  ->setTitle('Demo application')
  ->allow('node', 'methods', 'get')
  ->allow('node', 'properties', 'nid')
  ->allow('node', 'properties', 'body')

Loading an application by keys:

$app = apps_entity_restrictions_load_by_keys($_GET['key'], $_GET['secret']);

Checking access:

// Check general access.
try {
  $app->entityAccess('get', 'user');
} catch (\AppsEntityRestrictionsException $e) {
  drupal_set_message(t('This apps have no support to the user entity.', 'error'));
// Check access for specific property.
if (!$app->entityAccess('get', 'node')) {
  drupal_set_message(t('This apps have no access in GET request for a node.', 'error'));

// Check property access.
if (!$app->entityPropertyAccess('get', 'node', 'nid')) {
  drupal_set_message(t("This apps have no access in GET request for the node's nid.", 'error'));

// Check field access.
if (!$app->entityPropertyAccess('get', 'node', 'field_date')) {
  drupal_set_message(t("This apps have no access in GET request for the node's date field.", 'error'));

Restful integration

Your restful endpoints could also benefit from the logic of Apps entity restrictions. You'd need to enable the module Apps entity restrictions Restful. The module come with the trait AppsEntityRestrictionsRestfulTrait and your endpoints would need to use this trait for two reasons:

  • Add to the access method the entity access logic of Apps entity restrictions.
  • Add to each public field definition from parent::publicFieldsInfo a callback access.

Your end point would, probably, need define more public fields. In order to wrap them easily with the access callback you could implement the public fields info similar to this:


class AppsEntityRestrictionsExampleArticle extends RestfulEntityBaseNode {

  use AppsEntityRestrictionsRestfulTrait;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function publicFieldsInfo() {
    $fields = parent::publicFieldsInfo();

    $fields['body'] = array(
      'property' => 'body',

    $fields['tags'] = array(
      'property' => 'field_tags',

    return AppsEntityRestrictionsRestful::publicFieldsInfo($this, $fields);


Reports section

Download chartist js into the libraries folder. Make sure the files chartist.min.js and chartist.min.css located at the root of the folder.


API for restricting third side applications for you Drupal site






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