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Concurrency proj: Java implementation of a concurent train-schedule resolver. Based on LOCs. Written with Antoine Scheffold

1 Introduction

Our implementation revolves around two new classes; the Train which is an extensions of the Thread class to simulate their ”concurrent” nature and the TrainService (i.e. ”Fahrdienstleitung”) and which controls and manages the Train’s movement. Only other modification we implemented was a Lock on both sub-classes of Position; Location and Connection. By Locking a Position for a certain thread, this allows us to implement the realty of never heaving twoTrains on the same track, or on the same station at the same time. Additionally, on Location we added a getParking() and freeParking() synchronized methods to access the ”shared” parking variable.

2 Execution

We start our Simulator with an initialization of our TrainService and all the Trains which take part in this particular problem instance, after which we let them run and wait for their termination with .join() on the current main method, allowing the waiting Simulator to finish the program.

2.1 train logic

When a Train wants to go somewhere, it would first ask the map for the shortest route, after which it would inquire our TrainService for a reservation to drive on this same route. If the TrainService denies - the Train would then ask for a reason; which Position is the cause of the problem (i.e. already locked). With the new information it can query the map (using the ”avoid” parameter) to find an alternative route to its destination, without those ”problematic” elements. If such route doesn’t exist, the Train would look for the closest Parking place on the most direct route, ask the TrainService to reserve parking there and in a case of a decline, repeatedly ask him to reserve until it will get the reservation. This loop will repeat itself until the Train has reached its given destination.

2.2 reserving

The reservation method on the TrainService can be run by multiple Threads. The TrainService will try to lock all the Positions that are part of the given route using the tryLock(). To avoid a ”back and forth” Problem, we first sort the given route’s elements by their ids. This is done to give all reservations the same order; which in turn means that there will always be one Train that gets its reservation approved. If any of the components are already ”taken”, the TrainService would unlock everything that he locked thus far and return a negative answer to the Train.

2.3 driving

On a positive answer, our Train can finally proceed to drive through our approved route; Starting from the first Connection, it would figure the right direction based on its current Location and call an ask for an freePosition() on that Location - thus the TrainService would unlock the given Position. The same happens with the Connection between our current Location and the next one, on which, when we’re done with travel() over the connection, call arrive() and proceed to update our current location. This is repeated until the Train reaches this route’s final destination. This way of locking on reservation 1and unlocking on pass-through lets up keep a ”healthy” 1-to-1 ratio of locks to unlocks (i.e. we avoid locking twice).

2.4 no reservation - no drive

The ”disappointed” Train that got an unsuccessful reservation in the last phase, would ask TrainService for a list of positions that were the reason for the disapproval. This is done by iterating over the route again and writing the locked Positions into a list, which is then used by Trainto ask the map for an alternative route. If such route exists the Train would then try again to reserve the new route. This whole ordeal is repeated until the map can’t find any route, that doesn’t include the ”avoid” list. In this case the Train goes into the next mode.

2.5 ”looking for parking”

The Train would query map for the shortest route to its final destination and the Train would then look for possible parking spots on this route. The Train would iterate over the list, checking from starting Location to the destination if it’s possible to park there. In-case that it’s a parking place, it would check if there are still free parking places left (stations have infinite). This would happen though the monitor that we implemented in Location to avoid data-races on this variable. Worst case scenario is that no parking is available on route and our Train would get its final destination as its assigned parking place. As per instructions, when a Train parks on a non-station parking spot, we would give pause() to recorder. Similarly any departure from a parking spot which is not a station would require a resume() to be given to recorder.

2.6 ”waiting for parking-route”

Like it was described in ”train logic”, when a Train gets a parking reservation it has to reserve the route to it as-well. When it can’t get such reservation, done differently from normal trains using the reserveRoute2- which uses locks() instead of the tryLocks(). When a Train finally gets a route reserved, it would follow the same driving procedure as before.

2.7 ”repeat until finish”

Our Trains would repeat this whole ordeal until hey arrive at their final destination. At which point they would notify recorder with finish() and terminate; thus resolving the join() called upon in Simulator.

3 Final words on Concurrency

Our model deals with two problems; the route and parking reservation. The first one is solved by implementing locks on every single Position which are unlocked when a Train passes through them. All the operations over those elements happen with TrainService’s assistance. The use of tryLock() avoids deadlocks over the locks and because our Trains follow strictly their assigned route we know they unlock them according to our model. In parking we use greedy locks instead of the tryLocks to give the parking-waiting trains a better chance of getting the afformentioned route. The second problem deals with the variables of parking-spots on ”parkable” locations. To avoid multiple Trains accessing this variable we implemented synchronized methods to work as monitors. Based on the assumption that our implementation is valid; we can assume that this variable will be accessed by only one Train at a time

  • thus avoiding dataraces altogether.


Concurrency proj: Java implementation of a concurent train-schedule resolver. Based on LOCs. Written with Antoine Scheffold






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