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Releases: RohanNagar/thunder


13 Aug 15:36
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✳️ Added

  • Support for secret values within Thunder configuration.

    If you want to keep specific values in your configuration file a secret,
    you can now use the ${name-of-secret} notation.

    By default, Thunder will try to read secrets from environment variables.
    You can also specify where Thunder should read secrets from with new

      provider: [env|secretsmanager]
  • OAuth 2.0 is now a supported authentication mechanism. Currently, JWT
    tokens that use HMAC or RSA for token signing are supported. Use the following config:

      type: oauth
      hmacSecret: ${thunderHmacSigningSecret}
      rsaPublicKeyFilePath: "path/to/public-key.der"
      issuer: "your-issuer-name"
      audience: "optional-audience-to-verify"
  • Timer and success/failure metrics for both basic and OAuth

  • Thunder is now more performant as it processes requests asynchronously
    behind the scenes.

  • Thunder now times out requests after 30 seconds by default. You can
    customize the timeout duration with the following config:

      operationTimeout: 20s

✴️ Changed

  • The setProperty(String, Object) method on User objects has been
    changed from public to package-private in order to avoid potential
    race conditions.

➡️ DevOps

  • Migrated integration tests to use Artillery instead of a custom framework.
  • Added load tests to ensure Thunder performs well under load.


06 Apr 04:36
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➡️ DevOps

  • Add ability to perform a full Thunder release through Github Actions.


06 Apr 01:10
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➡️ DevOps

  • Release artifacts into Maven Central on tags with Github Actions.


06 Apr 00:37
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✴️ Changed

  • Updated the verifyUser method in the Java client to return a CompletableFuture<String> instead of a CompletableFuture<ResponseBody>.


05 Apr 20:38
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⚛ Fixed

  • Updated the client Javadoc return descriptions.


05 Apr 17:06
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✳️ Added

  • OpenAPI (Swagger) specifications are now available at /openapi.yaml and /openapi.json
  • Swagger UI is available at /swagger
  • New configuration option: Allow common password mistakes
  • Ability to use different database providers
  • Added MongoDB database provider
  • Added Healthcheck for email providers
  • Added more metrics for better observability
  • New password hashing algorithm: sha256
  • DynamoDB table will be created on application startup if it does not exist
  • A Helm chart is available for deploying Thunder to a Kubernetes cluster

✴️ Changed

  • Required type option on the database configuration.
  • The md5 password hashing algorithm is no longer available. You should use sha256 instead.
  • Property validation configuration has changed, and allows for more flexible validation. See the docs for more details:
  allowSubset: [true|false]
  allowSuperset: [true|false]
    - name:
    - name:
  • Email verification is now disabled by default. There is a new type option in the configuration to specify your email provider:
  type: [none|ses]
  • Additional User properties are no longer contained in a JSON object. They should be included directly in the User object:
  "email" : {
    "address" : "",
    "verified" : true,
    "verificationToken" : "hashToken"
  "password" : "12345",
  "customBoolean" : true,
  "customDouble" : 1.2,
  "customInt" : 1,
  "customList" : ["hello", "world"],
  "customMap" : {
    "key" : "value"
  "customString" : "value"

⚛ Fixed

  • A potential bug that would cause all of a user's data to be lost when updating a user's email address has been addressed.

☕ Client

  • The endpoint used to build ThunderClient is no longer required to end in /.
  • All methods in ThunderClient now return a CompletableFuture<User> instead of a retrofit Call<User>.

➡️ DevOps

  • Migrated the CI build from Travis CI to GitHub Actions CI.
  • Migrated Dependabot updates from to Github-Native.
  • Added GitHub Action to automatically check for updates to the Bootstrap CSS version.
  • Added Github Action to automatically approve pull requests from Dependabot.

Notable Dependency Upgrades

  • AWS Java SDK upgraded from 1.11.x to 2.x
  • async in /scripts upgraded from 2.6.2 to 3.x


25 Jan 19:30
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✳️ Added

  • New endpoint to reset a user's verification status (POST /verify/reset).

  • Server-side hashing is now available. In the new passwordHash configuration, set serverSideHash to true in order to enable it. Server-side hashing will use the algorithm defined in the algorithm option. By default, the algorithm is simple, which does not actually perform a hash. You can also disable the header check for passwords. By default, most endpoints will require the password header to be set to the user's password. To disable this, set headerCheck to false.

      algorithm: [simple|md5|bcrypt]
      serverSideHash: true
      headerCheck: true

✴️ Changed

  • When updating a user (PUT /users), email verification information can no longer be overwritten. Existing verification status will remain the same, or if the email has been updated, the verification status will be reset.
  • (docs) Moved user documentation from the Github Wiki to ReadTheDocs.
  • (docs) Updated all Javadoc to match new Thunder Javadoc guidelines.

⚛ Fixed

  • (docs) Javadoc for generated Dagger source files is no longer generated.

☕ Client

  • Support for the new /verify/reset endpoint.

➡️ DevOps

  • Run all CI tasks on Travis, and run multiple integration tests in CI.
  • Update GitHub Issue templates to set default labels and assignees.

Dependency Upgrades

  • aws-java-sdk 1.11.385 -> 1.11.486
  • checkstyle 8.12 -> 8.16
  • dagger 2.17 -> 2.21
  • dropwizard 1.3.5 -> 1.3.8
  • jackson-api 2.9.6 -> 2.9.8
  • jacoco-maven-plugin 0.8.1 -> 0.8.2
  • junit-jupiter 5.2.0 -> 5.3.2
  • junit-platform 1.2.0 -> 1.3.2
  • maven-shade-plugin 3.1.1 -> 3.2.1
  • maven-surefire-plugin 2.22.0 -> 2.22.1
  • mockito 2.21.0 -> 2.23.4
  • nexus-staging-maven-plugin 1.6.7 -> 1.6.8
  • retrofit 2.4.0 -> 2.5.0
  • Python (Documentation) Dependencies:
    • sphinx 1.7.7 -> 1.8.2
  • Node.js (DevOps) Dependencies:
    • aws-sdk 2.291.0 -> 2.391.0
    • eslint 5.3.0 -> 5.12.1
    • eslint-config-google 0.9.1 -> 0.11.0
    • thunder-client 0.3.0 -> 0.4.1


20 Aug 02:58
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✳️ Added

  • Property Validation

    Additional properties defined in the User JSON can be validated on POST and PUT. Simply define the properties in the configuration, and they will be automatically validated. To disable validation, do not include properties in the configuration.


      - name: myFirstProperty
        type: string
      - name: mySecondProperty
        type: list

    Supported property types are: string, integer, double, boolean, list, and map.

  • Optionally Disable Email Verification

    You can now disable email verification if you don't want the endpoints to be active. Simply set the enabled option to false:

      enabled: false
  • More Email Configuration Options

    Use your own HTML pages or email message bodies, or use a custom subject line! Default ones are provided, but you can specify your own:

        subject: Welcome to My App
        bodyHtmlFilePath: /path/to/verification.html
        bodyTextFilePath: /path/to/verification.txt
        urlPlaceholderString: PLACEHOLDER
        successHtmlFilePath: /path/to/success.html

    On each POST /verify request, a verification URL will be generated for the specific user and a String replacement will replace the urlPlaceholderString with the correct URL before sending the message. The default placeholder string is CODEGEN-URL.

  • Documentation on How to Get Started with HTTPS

✴️ Changed

  • ⚠️ PilotUser has been renamed to User

  • ⚠️ The user object now has an expandable map of properties, so the user JSON is no longer confined to what is defined in the code.

    Example of new User object:

      "email" : {
        "address" : "",
        "verified" : "true",
        "verificationToken" : "hashToken"
      "password" : "12345",
      "properties" : {
        "stringProperty" : "myUserObject",
        "integerProperty": 1000,
        "listsWorkToo": ["hello", "world"]

    This applies to ALL /user methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and ALL /verify methods: GET, POST

  • ⚠️ All configuration options that used hyphens now are camel-case. For example, table-name has become tableName

  • ⚠️ The ses configuration object has been renamed to email

  • ⚠️ The dynamo configuration object has been renamed to database

  • ⚠️ The package name for the api, application, and client have changed from com.sanction.thunder to com.sanctionco.thunder

⚛ Fixed

  • POST /verify now correctly checks for a matching user password in the request header before sending the email.

☕ Client

  • ⚠️ PilotUser renamed to User and object definition changed. See the Changed section above for more information.

➡️ DevOps

  • New logo!
  • Enforce Javadoc on class definitions
  • Switch to Codecov for coverage reports
  • A new integration test format, more thorough tests, and integration tests against the Docker image
  • Maven release build adds Javadoc, sources, and GPG signatures

Dependency Upgrades

  • aws-java-sdk 1.11.311 -> 1.11.385
  • checkstyle 8.9 -> 8.12
  • dagger 2.15 -> 2.17
  • dropwizard 1.3.1 -> 1.3.5
  • jackson-api 2.9.5 -> 2.9.6
  • junit 4.12 -> 5.2.0
  • maven-compiler-plugin 3.7.0 -> 3.8.0
  • maven-shade-plugin 2.3 -> 3.1.1
  • maven-surefire-plugin 2.21.0 -> 2.22.0
  • mockito 2.18.0 -> 2.21.0
  • thunder-client 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0
  • Node.js (DevOps) Dependencies:
    • async 2.6.0 -> 2.6.1
    • aws-sdk 2.238.1 -> 2.291.0
    • eslint 4.19.1 -> 5.3.0


16 Apr 19:06
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Docker image corresponding to this release: rohannagar/thunder:1.2.0

JitPack Build for Client: v1.2.0

Application JAR file is attached to this release.


  • Add support for returning HTML in the response for /verify


  • ⚠️ Upgraded Retrofit from v1.9 to v2.4
    • All endpoint URLs passed into ThunderBuilder must end in a slash /

    • ThunderClient now returns a Call<PilotUser> instead of PilotUser. Example:

      1.1.2 (old):

      PilotUser user = thunderClient.getUser("USERNAME", "PASSWORD");

      1.2.0 (new):

      PilotUser user = thunderClient.getUser("USERNAME", "PASSWORD").execute().body();
  • Added sendVerificationEmail() method that calls POST /verify
  • Added verifyUser() overload that provides an option for the ResponseType (either HTML or JSON)


  • Added script to easily bootstrap a new development machine with dependencies
  • All Node.js code is now being checked for code style using ESLint
  • The thunder-client code has been moved into its own package here
  • Introduce a build on GitLab for Docker builds. See the mirror here
  • Thunder is now available as a Docker image! Click here
  • Added Kubernetes deployment files to easily deploy Thunder on a K8s cluster


  • Code coverage is now at 99% 🎉

Dependency Upgrades

  • aws-java-sdk 1.11.275 -> 1.11.311
  • checkstyle 8.2 -> 8.9 [Change ImportOrder check to CustomImportOrder]
  • dagger 2.14.1 -> 2.15
  • dropwizard 1.2.3 -> 1.3.1
  • jackson 2.9.4 -> 2.9.5
  • jacoco-plugin 0.8.0 -> 0.8.1
  • mockito 2.13.0 -> 2.18.0
  • retrofit 1.9.0 -> 2.4.0 [⚠️ Breaking change - see above]
  • Node.js (DevOps) Dependencies:
    • argparse 1.0.9 -> 1.0.10
    • aws-sdk 2.192.0 -> 2.224.1


13 Feb 03:15
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JitPack build is back to normal.

DevOps Improvements

  • Travis now runs integration tests on PR checks and commits to master

Dependency Upgrades

  • aws-java-sdk 1.11.273 -> 1.11.275

  • Node.js (DevOps) Dependencies:

    • aws-ses-local 1.1.1 -> 1.3.0
    • aws-sdk 2.152.0 -> 2.192.0