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Releases: RohanNagar/jmail


26 Nov 06:43
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  • Fix bug where IPv4 addresses with non-arabic numerals would incorrectly be considered valid. (Thanks @harrel56 for reporting!)
  • Fix bug where IPv4 addresses with extraneous leading zeros would incorrectly be considered valid. (Thanks @harrel56 for reporting!)
  • The requireValidMXRecord() validation rule now correctly fails validation for domains that use a "Null MX" record. (Thanks @elmolm for contributing! 🎉)


25 Oct 21:30
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  • Fix bug so that email addresses that end in a dash - character now correctly fail validation with the reason FailureReason.DOMAIN_PART_ENDS_WITH_DASH instead of incorrectly returning FailureReason.ENDS_WITH_DOT. (Thanks @tbatchlear for reporting!)


02 Sep 01:28
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  • Add a new rule requireAscii() that considers an email address containing non-ASCII characters to be invalid. (Thanks @frodeto for suggesting!)
  • Add new property isAscii() on Email objects that returns if the email address only contains ASCII characters or not.
  • Add option to strip quotes within the local-part of an email address when normalizing the address with the normalize() method. (Thanks @tdelaney-leadiro for suggesting!)
    • This new option will remove quotes if the email address would still be valid and semantically the same without them.
    • To enable the option, either:
      • Call the normalize method that takes a boolean as the parameter, and use true. Example: email.normalize(true)
      • Set the -Djmail.normalize.strip.quotes=true JVM property at runtime, and continue to use the normalize() method without parameters.


29 May 01:34
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  • Add a new rule requireValidMXRecord(int initialTimeout, int numRetries) that allows for customization of the timeout for DNS lookups. (Thanks @dotneutron for suggesting!)
  • Reduce the default timeout for DNS lookups when adding the requireValidMXRecord() rule to an EmailValidator from potentially taking a maximum of 25 seconds to a maximum of 600 milliseconds.


21 Mar 22:07
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  • Add new method validate(String email) that returns an EmailValidationResult object, containing the reason for validation failure upon failure. (Thanks @bobharner for suggesting!)
  • Add new ValidationRule requireValidMXRecord() to consider email addresses that have a domain with no MX record in DNS as invalid. (Thanks @lpellegr for suggesting!)
  • Fix bug where an email address that ends with a comment that is missing the closing parentheses were incorrectly considered as valid. For example:


03 Feb 19:03
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  • Add new ValidationRule disallowObsoleteWhitespace() to consider email addresses with obsolete whitespace as invalid. (Thanks @PascalSchumacher for suggesting!)


19 Jan 17:19
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  • Add new normalized() method on the Email class to provide a way to get a "normalized" version of an email address (the address without any comments or optional parts).


16 Nov 22:26
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  • Fix bug where invalid characters in the domain could result in an IllegalArgumentException instead of returning false. (Thanks @PascalSchumacher for reporting!)


20 Oct 15:44
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  • Fix bug where domain names that contained an emoji would be incorrectly invalid. (Thanks @Autom8edChaos for reporting!)


16 Sep 15:40
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  • Improve equals() and hashCode() methods for Email and TopLevelDomain
  • Fix inconsistencies in some Javadocs