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Collection of Ant tasks for managing WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile and applications.


Use Maven 2.x or 3.x to build the Ant tasks.

  • mvn install : builds the Ant tasks.
  • mvn install -DwlpInstallDir=<liberty_install_directory> : builds the Ant tasks and runs the integration tests.
    • Liberty Profile installation is required to run the integration tests.


To use the Liberty Ant tasks in your build scripts you need to:

  1. Declare the antlib namespace in your build.xml file:

     <project xmlns:wlp="antlib:net.wasdev.wlp.ant">
  2. Make Liberty Ant tasks available in your build script by:

  • Copying wlp-anttasks.jar into $ANT_HOME/lib directory, or

  • Using the typedef task to load the Liberty tasks, for example:

         <typedef resource="net/wasdev/wlp/ant/antlib.xml" 

    The latest build of wlp-anttasks.jar can be obtained from the Sonatype OSS Maven snapshot repository.


install-liberty task

The install-liberty task is used to download and install Liberty profile server. The task can download the Liberty runtime archive from a specified location (via runtimeUrl) or automatically resolve it from the Liberty repository based on a version.

The Liberty license code must always be set in order to install the runtime. If you are installing Liberty from the Liberty repository, you can obtain the license code by reading the current license and looking for the D/N: <license code> line. Otherwise, download the runtime archive and execute java -jar wlp*runtime.jar --viewLicenseInfo command and look for the D/N: <license code> line.


Attribute Description Required
licenseCode Liberty profile license code. See above. Yes
version Exact or wildcard version of the Liberty profile server to install. Available versions are listed in the index.yml file. Only used if runtimeUrl is not set. The default value is 8.5.+. No
runtimeUrl URL to the Liberty profile's wlp*runtime.jar. If not set, the Liberty repository will be used to find the Liberty runtime archive. No
baseDir The base installation directory. The actual installation directory of Liberty profile will be ${baseDir}/wlp. The default value is . (current working directory). No
cacheDir The directory used for caching downloaded files such as the license or .jar files. The default value is ${}/wlp-cache. No
username Username needed for basic authentication. No
password Password needed for basic authentication. No
maxDownloadTime Maximum time in seconds the download can take. The default value is 0 (no maximum time). No


<!-- Install using Liberty repository -->
<wlp:install-server licenseCode="<license code>" />

<!-- Install from a specific location -->
<wlp:install-server licenseCode="<license code>" runtimeUrl="<url to runtime.jar>"/>

server task

The server task supports the following operations:

  • create - creates a named server instance.
  • start - starts the named server instance in background. If the server instance does not exist, this option creates one by default.
  • run - start the named service instance in foreground. If the server instance does not exist, this option creates one by default.
  • stop - stops the named server.
  • status - checks the server status.
  • package - packages the named server and its deployed applications.
  • dump - dump diagnostic information from the named server into an archive.
  • javadump - dump diagnostic information from the named server JVM.


Attribute Description Required
installDir Location of the Liberty profile server installation. Yes
serverName Name of the Liberty profile server instance. The default value is defaultServer. No
userDir Value of the ${wlp_user_dir} variable. The default value is ${installDir}/usr/. No
outputDir Value of the ${wlp_output_dir} variable. The default value is ${installDir}/usr/servers/${serverName}. No
operation Server operations available as options: create, start, stop, status, package, dump, and javadump. Yes
clean Clean all cached information on server start up. The default value is false. Only used with the start operation. No
timeout Waiting time before the server starts. The default value is 30 seconds. The unit is milliseconds. Only used with the start operation. No
include A comma-delimited list of values. The valid values vary depending on the operation. For the package operation the valid values are all, usr, and minify. For the dump operation the valid values are heap, system, and thread. For the javadump operation the valid values are heap and system. No.
archive Location of the target archive file. Only used with the package or dump operations. No
template Name of the template to use when creating a new server. Only used with the create operation. No
resultProperty Name of a property in which the server status will be stored. By default the server status will be stored under wlp.<serverName>.status property. Only used with the status operation. No
ref Reference to an existing server task definition to reuse its server configuration. The value can be null when other required attributes are set. No


<wlp:server id="wlp.ant.test" installDir="${wlp_install_dir}" operation="start" 
        serverName="${serverName}" userDir="${wlp_usr}" outputDir="${wlp_output}" />

<wlp:server ref="wlp.ant.test" operation="status"/>

deploy task

The deploy task supports deployment of one or more applications to the Liberty Profile server.


Attribute Description Required
installDir Location of the Liberty profile server installation. Yes
serverName Name of the Liberty profile server instance. The default value is defaultServer. No
userDir Value of the ${wlp_user_dir} variable. The default value is ${installDir}/usr/servers/${serverName}. No
outputDir Value of the ${wlp_output_dir} variable. The default value is ${installDir}/usr/servers/${serverName}. No
file Location of a single application to be deployed. See file attribute in Apache Ant. The application type can be war, ear, rar, eba, zip , or jar. Yes, only when the fileset attribute is not specified.
fileset Location of multiple applications to be deployed. See fileset attribute in Apache Ant. Yes, only when the file attribute is not specified.
timeout Waiting time before the deployment completes successfully. The default value is 30 seconds. The unit is milliseconds. No
ref Reference to an existing server task definition to reuse its server configuration. The value can be null when other required attributes are set. No


<wlp:deploy ref="wlp.ant.test" >
   <fileset dir="${basedir}/resources/">
         <include name="**/*.war"/>                

<wlp:deploy ref="wlp.ant.test" file="${basedir}/resources/SimpleOSGiApp.eba"  timeout="40000"/>

undeploy task

The undeploy task supports undeployment of a single application from the Liberty Profile server.


Attribute Description Required
installDir Location of the Liberty profile server installation. Yes
serverName Name of the Liberty profile server instance. The default value is defaultServer. No
userDir Value of the ${wlp_user_dir} variable. The default value is ${installDir}/usr/servers/${serverName}. No
outputDir Value of the ${wlp_output_dir} variable. The default value is ${installDir}/usr/servers/${serverName}. No
timeout Waiting time before the undeployment completes successfully. The default value is 30 seconds. The unit is milliseconds. No
ref Reference to an existing server task definition to reuse its server configuration. The value can be null when other required attributes are set. No


<wlp:undeploy ref="wlp.ant.test" file="SimpleOSGiApp.eba" timeout="60000" />

install-feature task

The install-feature task installs a feature packaged as a Subsystem Archive (ESA file) to the Liberty runtime.


Attribute Description Required
installDir Location of the Liberty profile server installation. Yes
serverName Name of the Liberty profile server instance. The default value is defaultServer. No
userDir Value of the ${wlp_user_dir} variable. The default value is ${installDir}/usr/servers/${serverName}. No
outputDir Value of the ${wlp_output_dir} variable. The default value is ${installDir}/usr/servers/${serverName}. No
acceptLicense Accept feature license terms and conditions. The default value is false. No
whenFileExits Specifies the action to take if a file to be installed already exits. Use fail to abort the installation, ignore to continue the installation and ignore the file that exists, and replace to overwrite the existing file. No
to Specifies feature installation location. Set to usr to install as a user feature. Otherwise, set it to any configured product extension location. The default value is usr. No
name Specifies the name of the Subsystem Archive (ESA file) to be installed. The name can a feature name, a file name or a URL. Yes


<wlp:install-feature installDir="${wlp_install_dir}" name="mongodb-2.0" whenFileExists="ignore" acceptLicense="true"/>


Ant tasks for managing Liberty profile server instances #devops







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