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A .Net Standard client for the QuadrigaCX API.


  • Full coverage of the QuadrigaCX API v2.
  • Simple API abstraction uses similar method names and parameters as the QuadrigaCX API documentation.
  • Exceptions returned from the server include the error code and message to ease troubleshooting.
  • Built using the Task-based Asynchronous Pattern, the recommended asynchronous design pattern for new development.
  • Compatible with .NET Standard 2.0.

Getting started

An account is not required to access the public API methods. However, if you do create an account, please use my referral code (c7flx49lbhc3b1awgl8pig7l) when you register. It's an easy way to give back to this project at no cost to you.

Sign-up with QuadrigaCX

Installation via NuGet

nuget Downloads

Install-Package QuadrigaCX.Api

Example usage

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using QuadrigaCX.Api;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello QuadrigaCX!\n");

            using (var client = new QuadrigaClient())
                    var t = Task.Run(() => client.GetTickerInformationAsync("btc_cad"));
                    var ticker = t.Result;

                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Bid = {0}, Ask = {1}, Volume = {2}", 
                        ticker.Bid, ticker.Ask, ticker.Volume));
                catch (QuadrigaException qex)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Error: {0} - {1}", qex.Code, qex.Message));
                catch (Exception ex)

            Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to exit.");


Hello QuadrigaCX!

Bid = 9050.00, Ask = 9099.98, Volume = 207.56169241

Press any key to exit.

API Coverage

PUBLIC Covered
Order Book
User Transactions
Open Orders
Lookup Order
Cancel Order
Buy Order - Limit
Buy Order - Market
Sell Order - Limit
Sell Order - Market
Bitcoin Deposit
Bitcoin Withdraw
Bitcoin Cash Deposit
Bitcoin Cash Withdraw
Bitcoin Gold Deposit
Bitcoin Gold Withdraw
Litecoin Deposit
Litecoin Withdraw
Ether Deposit
Ether Withdraw


The following error have been found through experimentation and are not documented by QuadrigaCX. Errors are listed in numerical order of their code with a sample message beside them.
They are thrown as a QuadrigaException.

  • 21 - Incorrect Amount: $98,544.47CAD exceeds available CAD balance
  • 23 - Incorrect price $1.00CAD is below the minimum of $10.00CAD
  • 101 - Invalid API Code or Invalid Signature
  • 105 - Invalid or missing payload
  • 108 - Address rejected - does not match API withdrawal address
  • 106 - Cannot perform request - not found
  • 300 - Permission denied
  • 301 - Your ability to withdraw is temporarily disabled due to a recent profile or major settings change. For your protection, this measure is in place for 24hrs from the time the change was made

API rate limit

QuadrigaCX seems to operate an out-of-band support group on reddit. From a question posted 2018-01-01:

"You're limited to 30 calls per minute on both the public and private APIs to allow you to get a feel for the API. Once you have managed to trade efficiently, we can consider removing these limits."


My related projects

Donation addresses

  • Bitcoin: 361kH8JtiP41G5qfwYj3z4vuTwyPiWdNUW
  • Bitcoin Cash: 16z7wZy9aku3P3UeihjLmUDbt3aU6DaHtS
  • Bitcoin Gold: GcqW8X1od3wH5Mwn3MUTf8j3N4iHCaw1PW
  • Ether: 0xb8f65ea3e9fc2c48e02a5e0ab2fab006998bc9fa
  • Litecoin: LMbcKyXLxVGwMFPT1hRaBXb6AoiVgXrYhQ