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Mod for Minecraft that dynamically generates 'milkable' cows for various fluids


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Moo Fluids - Minecraft Mod

Compiling Moo Fluids - For those that want the latest unreleased features.

Contributing - For those that want to help out.

Credits - Credits to those that deserve them.

Contact Me - Places you can either find or contact me.

Compiling Moo Fluids

IMPORTANT: Please report any issues you have, there might be some problems with the documentation! Also make sure you know EXACTLY what you're doing! It's not any of our faults if your OS crashes, becomes corrupted, etc.

Setup Java

Setup Gradle

Setup Git

Setup Moo Fluids

Compile Moo Fluids

Updating Your Repository

Setup Java

The Java JDK is used to compile Moo Fluids.

  1. Download and install the Java JDK.
    • Windows/Mac download link. Scroll down, accept the Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE, and download it (if you have a 64-bit OS, please download the 64-bit version).
    • Linux: Installation methods for certain popular flavors of Linux are listed below. If your distribution is not listed, follow the instructions specific to your package manager or install it manually here.
      • Gentoo: emerge dev-java/oracle-jdk-bin
      • Archlinux: pacman -S jdk7-openjdk
      • Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
      • Fedora: yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk
  2. Windows: Set environment variables for the JDK.
    • Go to Control Panel\System and Security\System, and click on Advanced System Settings on the left-hand side.
    • Click on Environment Variables.
    • Under System Variables, click New.
    • For Variable Name, input JAVA_HOME.
    • For Variable Value, input something similar to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51 exactly as shown (or wherever your Java JDK installation is), and click Ok.
    • Scroll down to a variable named Path, and double-click on it.
    • Append ;%JAVA_HOME%\bin EXACTLY AS SHOWN and click Ok. Make sure the location is correct; double-check just to make sure.
  3. Open up your command line and run javac. If it spews out a bunch of possible options and the usage, then you're good to go. If not try the steps again or contact TheRoBrit on Twitter TheRoBrit's Twitter.

Setup Gradle

Gradle is used to execute the various build tasks when compiling Moo Fluids.

  1. Download and install Gradle.
    • Windows/Mac download link. You only need the binaries, but choose whatever flavor you want.
      • Unzip the package and put it wherever you want, eg C:\Gradle.
    • Linux: Installation methods for certain popular flavors of Linux are listed below. If your distribution is not listed, follow the instructions specific to your package manager or install it manually here.
      • Gentoo: emerge dev-java/gradle-bin
      • Archlinux: You'll have to install it from the AUR.
      • Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install gradle
      • Fedora: Install Gradle manually from its website (see above), as Fedora ships a "broken" version of Gradle. Use yum install gradle only if you know what you're doing.
  2. Windows: Set environment variables for Gradle.
    • Go back to Environment Variables and then create a new system variable.
    • For Variable Name, input GRADLE_HOME.
    • For Variable Value, input something similar to C:\Gradle-1.11 exactly as shown (or wherever your Gradle installation is), and click Ok.
    • Scroll down to Path again, and append ;%GRADLE_HOME%\bin EXACTLY AS SHOWN and click Ok. Once again, double-check the location.
  3. Open up your command line and run gradle. If it says "Welcome to Gradle [version].", then you're good to go. If not, either try the steps again or check the FAQ.

Setup Git

Git is used to clone Moo Fluids and update your local copy.

  1. Download and install Git here.
    • Optional: Download and install a Git GUI client, such as Github for Windows/Mac, SmartGitHg, TortoiseGit, etc. A nice list is available here.

Setup Moo Fluids

This section assumes that you're using the command-line version of Git.

  1. Open up your command line.
  2. Navigate to a place where you want to download Moo Fluids's source (eg C:\Github\Moo-Fluids\) by executing cd [folder location]. This location is known as mcdev from now on.
  3. Execute git clone This will download Moo Fluids's source into mcdev.
  4. Right now, you should have a directory that looks something like:

	\-Moo Fluids's files (should have `build.gradle`)

Compile Moo Fluids

  1. Execute gradle setupCiWorkspace. This sets up Forge and downloads the necessary libraries to build Moo-Fluids. This might take some time, be patient.
    • You will generally only have to do this once until the Forge version in changes.
  2. Execute gradle build. If you did everything right, BUILD SUCCESSFUL will be displayed after it finishes. This should be relatively quick.
    • If you see BUILD FAILED, check the error output (it should be right around BUILD FAILED), fix everything (if possible), and try again.
  3. Navigate to mcdev\Moo-Fluids\build\libs.
    • You should see a .jar file similar to 'Moo-Fluids-1.7.10-`.
  4. Copy the jar into your Minecraft mods folder, and you are done!

Updating Your Repository

In order to get the most up-to-date builds, you'll have to periodically update your local repository.

  1. Open up your command line.
  2. Navigate to mcdev in the console.
  3. Make sure you have not made any changes to the local repository, or else there might be issues with Git.
    • If you have, try reverting them to the status that they were when you last updated your repository.
  4. Execute git pull master. This pulls all commits from the official repository that do not yet exist on your local repository and updates it.


Submitting a PR

So you found a bug in TheRoBrit's code? Think you can make it more efficient? Want to help in general? Great!

  1. If you haven't already, create a Github account.
  2. Click the Fork icon located at the top-right of this page (below your username).
  3. Make the changes that you want to and commit them.
    • If you're making changes locally, you'll have to execute git commit -a and git push in your command line.
  4. Click Pull Request at the right-hand side of the gray bar directly below your fork's name.
  5. Click Click to create a pull request for this comparison, enter your PR's title, and create a detailed description telling TheRoBrit what you changed.
  6. Click Send pull request, and wait for feedback!

Creating an Issue

Moo-Fluids crashes on launch? Have a suggestion? Found a bug? Create an issue now!

  1. Make sure your issue hasn't already been answered or fixed. Also think about whether your issue is a valid one before submitting it.
  2. Go to the issues page.
  3. Click New Issue right below Star and Fork.
  4. Enter your Issue's title (something that summarizes your issue), and then create a detailed description, such as ("Hey TheRoBrit, I've had X issue when using X version of the mod in Minecraft X version.").
    • If you are reporting a bug report from an unofficial version, make sure you include the following:
      • Commit SHA (usually located in a changelog or the jar name itself)
      • ForgeModLoader log
      • Server log if applicable
      • Detailed description of the bug and pictures if applicable
  5. Click Submit new issue, and wait for feedback!


Here are a list of some of the people/person(s) that I'd like to thank for helping me out.

  • Bacon_Donut - Supporting the mod and spreading the word to the public.
  • Pahimar - EE3 is a great help in showing how to make a Minecraft mod, and for this awesome page you're looking at.
  • Quetzi - Supporting the mod and getting it on the MCP Server.
  • People within the #minecraftforge IRC channel - Helpful bunch of people (for the most part)

If you feel like you've been left out, deal with it...

Just kidding, feel free to contact me and let me know. I likely missed you out by accident.

Contact Me

Here are some of the places you can find/contact me:


Mod for Minecraft that dynamically generates 'milkable' cows for various fluids








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