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iOS Knowledge (Swift)

This repo contains a collection of Swift knowledge

  1. Dictionary
          dictionaries under the hood
          hash tables, hash functions
                linear probing and open addressing in creating hash tables

  2. DispatchFramework
          CPU's then and now
          synchronous and asynchronnous tasks
          main, serial, concurrent, global, and custom queues
          quality of services class
                priority inversions
          networking using URLSession
                URLSession configurations
                URLSessionTask: URLSessionDataTask

  3. Initializers
          stored properties
          ways to create initializers: cutomizing initializers, initializer parameters without argument labels, and default initializers
          convenience inits and designated inits

  4. MemoryManagement
          automatic reference counting
                strong, weak, and unknowned values
          memory leak, debugging them, how they are bad
          retain cycles
          heaps and stacks with storing value and ref types

  5. Ref-ValTypes
          reference types
          value types
          data structures that fall into each category
          mutability in reference and value types

  6. AppArchitecture
          Model Layers
          View Layers
          Loops of an application
          A view state
          Creating extensions, child objects, extracting object to reduce code in a view controller
          RxSwift and RxCocoa       Networking

  7. Intro
          Swift style guide
          Value and reference types

  8. CollectionProtocols
          Sequence protocol
          Iterator protocol
             Value semantics/Reference semantics
          Collection protocol
          ExpressibleByArrayLiteral protocol

  9. Optionals
          Optional enum
          Unwrapping optionals

  10. Passing Data
          Delegation pattern
          Notification center
          Instantiation / prepareForSegue

  11. CoreBluetooth
          BLE devices

  12. Swift Keywords
          Import declarations
          Constant, variable declarations
          Stored variables, stored variable observers
          Computed variables
          Stored type properties
          Computed type properties
          Instance properties
          Type Properties
          Type alias declaration


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