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Created to the organize the BSIC Hackathon deliverables - Plastics and Pollution challenge

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Welcome to the Zer P⬡llution Ecosystem.


Z⬡P⬡ - Connecting Earth and People through technology.

If you want to follow the project progress, please click here!

If you want to see our Landing Page, click here!

If you want to check more problem and solution information, read the full GreenPaper here!

Our team is composed by:

Name Gitcoin ID e-mail Skills
Renan Girotto Meirelles @renanmeirelles Business Analysis and Documentation
Paulo Gabriel Vieira de Sousa @paulovieirasousa FullStack - SmartContracts and Front-end

Plastic Pollution - a HUGE PROBLEM to be solved

Plastic pollution has reached almost inestimable levels in the whole world - seas, rivers, streets and lots of public places are affected by. This pollution can be caused by several factors of origin, such as lack of education of the population, irregular disposal of large producers, lack of investment in selective collection, among others. The fact is, we need to find a way to stop it!

Z⬡P⬡ Ecosystem Solution

Value Proposition

Reduce Plastic Pollution on Earth close to ZERO, through Citizen's engagement, powered by a decentralized blockchain ecosystem and an easy use DApp. We will help to create decentralized, customizable incentivized programs for local plastics cleanup.

But, how does it work?

A complete plastic (re)cycle will be created, where Citizens will be able to collect and take the plastic waste using our Biodegradable Plastic Bag to authorized Checkpoints. The full plastic bags will be sent to Endpoints, which will generate new bags and other possible destinations. Best of all, everyone will be rewarded by the Checkpoints - earning Tokens or Bounties, like products, services, and other stuff. After all, people are driven by rewards. And more: the plastic cycle can be end-to-end tracked!

You can find the detailed Process below!

Ecosystem Personas (Roles)

Roles Description
Citizens (MVP) Anyone who wants to contribute to the ecosystem/environment by collecting garbage and receiving rewards.
Checkpoints (MVP) Entities that make the focal point of the ecosystem, contributing to its functioning - entrepreneurs, establishments, street points and others. This role will be rewarded too.
Verifiers* (MMP) Confirm if there will be a role to help the ecosystem - logistics and other activities.
Endpoints (MMP) The final destination of the collected garbage - and the beginning - enterprises that are interested in the use of the plastic, reclycling industries, and others.
Sponsors (MMP) People and Businesses that are interested in supporting the project by investing some Stake!

Business Processes

This is the Macro View of the Z⬡P⬡ Ecosystem.


If you want to see the full Business Process Diagrams (BPMN) and navigate through, you can check it HERE!

Tech Architecture


Storytelling - Use Cases

1 - Register as a Citizen

"Alice usually runs in the park and always find plastic garbage thrown next to a river. She heard about a platform called ZOPO, and she wants to register to help collect the plastic trash."

Citizens of any social class can easily register to participate using the DApp. For those who have a smartphone, just access the ZOPO through the MetaMask app. We also though about those who want to be part of it but do not have a smartphone - for this we will develop totems for registration in Checkpoints - future features. In the future we can create our own wallet generator and use other providers - or even DID Providers (Civic, uPort...)

2 - Register as a Checkpoint

"Bob, who owns a nearby store, also pays attention to this problem of plastic waste. He also heard about the ZOPO platform and decided to help by being a Checkpoint."

At the same time, establishments of any type of segment may register as Checkpoints, which will be the basis for supporting Citizens. They will be responsible for distributing the ZOPO bags, proposing bounties to the Citizens and destinating the ZOPO Bags to the Endpoints. They can connect using MetaMask too, and need to fill a register form.

3 - Add Reward

"But, Bob doesn't want to be just a supportive place. He wants to reward a T-shirt and 10 ZOPO Tokens for those who deliver a bag full of plastic."

Checkpoints can register rewards to attract more citizens to your establishment. You can place a product, service, discount or even ZOPO Tokens as a reward.

4 - Find Checkpoints

"Alice, already registered as a Citizen, went for a run again and found what she expected. So, she opened the DApp and checked the map available at ZOPO Dapp. She found Bob's store, which was 2 blocks away, offering a Token reward.”

To facilitate finding Checkpoints, Citizens will have a feature called "Find Checkpoints" - they will be able to locate the nearest Checkpoints and the reward information through the DApp map.

5 - Check-out ZOPO Bag and Collect Plastic waste

"After finding the Checkpoint of interest, Alice moved to it. There she was able to Checkout a ZOPO Bag by scanning the QR Code and start the plastic waste collecting. She put all the plastic waste in the ZOPO Bag and returned to Checkpoint ".

After the Citizen goes to a Checkpoint, he/she can check out a ZOPO bag and start collecting plastic waste. Citizen must scan the ZOPO Bag QR Code and confirm the association of his Citizen Address x ZOPO Bag Address. The DApp will lock the Checkout function, so the Citizen cannot take another bag.

6 - Check-in ZOPO Bag

"When she returned to Checkpoint, she Checked-in the bag. Bob verified the content and confirmed that everything was OK. So, Bob sealed the ZOPO Bag and rewarded Alice with the promised bounty - gave her a T-shirt and 10 ZOPO Tokens."

To perform the Checkin, the Checkpoint must scan the ZOPO Bag QR Code and confirm the return of the same. After that, the Citizen will be able to Checkout another Bag if he/she want.

7 - Mint ZOPO Tokens

As promised, Bob said he would give tokens to Alice as a reward. For that, Bob will have access to the" Mint Tokens "function, which should generate ZOPO Tokens directly to Alice's wallet"

Checkpoints that place ZOPO Tokens as a reward, must have access to Transfer and Mint functions.

Quick Description of future Features:

Plastic Tracking

The idea is that, when we have the complete cycle of the Ecosystem, we can verify the origin of the plastic input, where it was discarded and collected, by whom, through which Checkpoint passed until it was recycled, how long it took from collection to recycling and more. Using a tool like The Graph, we will be checking all transactions registered.

Ecosystem Analytics

Reports, Dashboards and Queries, probably using TheGraph! Examples of collected data: Quantity of Engaged Citizens, Citizens/Checkpoints/Endpoints per location, Quantity of collected plastic per location, Quantity of plastic collected per Citizen, Quantity of ZOPO Bags generated x used, Average time from collection to recycling by location...

Reputation Management

Reputation mechanism that measures the engagement of Citizens, Checkpoints and Endpoints in the Ecosystem. Possibility of setting up rankings, having prizes, etc.


Product Features
MVP Connect with MetaMask / Register as a Citizen / Register as a Checkpoint / Find Checkpoints / Check-out ZOPO Bag / Check-in ZOPO Bag / Add Reward / Mint ZOPO Tokens
MMP Register as an Endpoint / Register as a Volunteer / Use ZOPO Tokens / Ecosystem Analytics

Pioneer Solutions

Throughout the creation of the solution we came to know some projects very similar to our idea. However, we identified some points where we can improve and be different, aiming to reach a wider range of engaged people. Even so, they are potential partners to work together! The most impactful projects that we can mention are the following:

Bounty for Basura Bounty for Basura is a project led by the Bounties Network platform. Their goal is to bring people together to collect garbage in the oceans and distribute bounties as income to the participants.

Plastic Bank Plastic Bank is a Social Plastic® Ecosystem to offset plastic footprint become Plastic Neutral and establish a position as an environmental leader.

4ocean Another potential partner and similar project is the 4ocean, focused on ocean plastic cleaning too. They act like the Bounty for Basura, doing some task forces to clean up the shores. They have already cleaned about 8,506,541 lbs of plastic!

If you want to know more about these projects and compare with ZOPO, click here.

Some projects already exist for plastic waste collection in Brazil, such as Xô Plástico, a local initiative in Recife - Pernambuco. We did a survey with them, which can be analyzed HERE.

Z⬡P⬡ Ecosystem initially allied with projects like this, can become potential triggers for a worldwide revolution.

Hackathon Deliverables





Product Deliverables

Deliverables Link
Project Management Trello Board - Project Management
User Stories (Use Cases) Detailed User Stories and Rules here
Prototypes FIGMA Navigable Wireframes
DApp DApp Code here
SmartContracts Token, Main SmartContract and more here
Landing Page Published Landing Page (Draft)
GreenPaper Google Docs GreenPaper (Draft)
Google Drive Docs Shared Drive

Potential Deliverables

Deliverables Link
Survey Xô Plástico - Brazil
Institutional and Identity Mission, Vision, Values, Business Model, Branding/Marketing

Special thanks to the Mentors and the Staff who supported the idea.


Created to the organize the BSIC Hackathon deliverables - Plastics and Pollution challenge






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