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Trusty-Contracts Project


  • Clone the repository and cd into it
  • Create a .env file and put in the environment variables (see .env.template).
  • To run and test the smart contract locally just use the command npm run start and npm run test.
  • It is recommended to insert in the .env the variable PRIVATE_KEY only when you need actually to deploy the contract on the desired network and removing it immediately after.
  • To 'deploy' the smart contract on blockchain remember to check and eventually edit the file hardhat.config.js removing the comment on the line containing the code //accounts: [PRIVATE_KEY] in the desired network.
  • It is possible to deploy the contracts using a Ledger wallet hardware device answering correctly to the interactive prompt that will appear when running the npm run deploy.
  • It is possible to deploy a single Trusty multi-signature without the need to deploy the Trusty Factory deployer using the command npm run deploy-single.

Install, compile, run, deploy and verify

# Clone the repository
git clone

# Change directory
cd trusty-contracts

# Install dependencies
npm i

# Update dependencies
npm update

# Start
npm run start

# Deploy locally
npm run deploy hardhat

# Deploy on Testnets
npm run deploy <goerli>|<sepolia>|<mumbai>

# Deploy on Mainnet
npm run deploy mainnet

# Verify contract
npm run verify mainnet <Contract_Address> "ConstructorArg1" "ConstructorArg2"

# Deploy a single Trusty without Factory
npm run deploy-single

Scripts commands shortcut

# Compile
npm run compile

# Start
npm run start

# Deploy
npm run deploy 

Integration tests

# Run all tests
npm run test

# Test with GAS fee estimation
npm run test-gas

# Test all
npm run test-all

# Run a specific test-id
npm run test-id -- 'Create trusty test'

Basic HardHat usage

npx hardhat help

# Run a local node
npx hardhat node

# Test
npx hardhat test
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test

# Compile contract bytecode
npx hardhat compile

# Run contract locally
npx hardhat run scripts/run.js

# Deploy
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js

# Deploy contract to <network>=goerli/sepolia/mumbai
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network mainnet 

# Verify contract on <network>=goerli/sepolia/mumbai
npx hardhat verify --network goerli 0xabcdef12345... "ConstructorArg1" "ConstructorArg2"