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Releases: RPGroup-PBoC/mwc_induction

Second round of submission

25 Oct 23:46
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This release contains several new additions to the main text and supplemental information. We now thoroughly dissect the properties of the response in the main text and discuss several other interesting topics in the supplement.

Final submission materials!

31 Jan 16:08
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Removed .gitattributes

Submission of manuscript

23 Feb 00:56
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This release contains all code and analysis used in performing the research described in the publication.

Submission release of development draft

23 Feb 00:59
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This release includes all analysis and figure scripts finalized for submission.

Preparation for submission

27 Jan 19:48
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This release contains all the code and data prior to submission for reviews.

The structure of the repository will be changed to facilitate access to the interested readers.