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Deployment Steps (Google Cloud + Terraform)

  1. Generate SSH key and put the path to it in
  2. Create a Fernet key and put it in the electionguard_shared_key variable in python3 -c 'from cryptography.fernet import Fernet; print(Fernet.generate_key())'
  3. Create a project in Google Cloud and put the project name, region, and zone in
  4. Authenticate to Google Cloud using gcloud auth application-default login and put the path to the credential file in the gcp_cred_file variable in See this guide for more details
  5. Create an ElectionGuard manifest and put the path to it in the election_manifest_file variable in See Election Manifest Format below for more details.
  6. Create a voter data file and put the path to it in the voter_data_file variable See Voter Data File below for details on the format
  7. Your should look something like this now:
electionguard_shared_key="KEY GOES HERE"
gcp_cred_file = "/path/to/application_default_credentials.json"
election_manifest_file = "/path/to/election_manifest.json"
voter_data_file = "/path/to/voter_data.json"
  1. Run terraform plan to verify that all the required variables are filled in
  2. Run terraform apply to create the infrastructure
  3. Wait a few minutes to make sure everything's set up (VM instances and network created, packages installed, and Ansible downloaded and templated); this may take several minutes
  4. Connect to the deployserver instance with this command:
gcloud compute ssh --zone "INSERT ZONE HERE" "deployserver"  --tunnel-through-iap --project "PROJECT ID" -- -D localhost:8080
  1. Use sudo su savi to switch users since Google Cloud SSH logs you in as the user you're logged in as on your current host machine
  2. cd ~/SAVI-deployment to enter the directory where the ansible repo is stored
  3. ssh-keyscan -H >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
  4. Run voting application ansible: ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml playbook.yaml -vvv If anything in Ansible fails after initial SSH connections work, try running it again. Sometimes, downloading packages or container images may take longer than the default timeouts.
  5. Run DISA STIG Ansible for security hardening: ansible-playbook -i inventory-STIG.yaml playbook-STIG.yaml

Future Work

For more details, see the paper

  • method for connecting to the servers from outside of the environment
  • fix encoding so that unicode can be passed through, perhaps by doing base64 stuff on each end?
  • restrict security rules further - only to websites required for package install
  • use GCP features to make voter data scale better since gzipped cloudinit isn't supported
  • download certificate to use for connecting


  • SSH to other instances by hostname
  • by the time this is actually used by someone, ansible or its dependencies may have deprecated python2, which this uses for deployment
  • each instance has a nginx reverse proxy and a python webapp (using Quart, except for the ballotserver, which uses FastAPI)
  • ballotserver can intentionally only be accessed from the other webservers. to access it externally in a test deployment, change its tags in to ext-https rather than int-https

How it all fits together

The terraform rules in this repository create a set of virtual machine instances in Google Cloud Platform Compute Engine, one each for registrar, ballotbox, ballotserver, resultserver, and deployserver. On the first four instances, cloud_init installs some necessary packages and enables login using the SSH key created earlier. On the deployserver, it also downloads the SAVI-deployment repository and fills in the templates and variables

Election Manifest Format

This project uses ElectionGuard and its manifest format, an example of which can be found in [examples/election_manifest.json].

The path to the election manifest file needs to be placed in the election_manifest_file Terraform variable, whether in or in your own *.auto.tfvars file. Either a relative path (relative to or an absolute path can be used.

Voter Data Format

Voter data is used in the registrar application to verify whether a given user is allowed to register. An example of the format can be found in [examples/voter_data.json].

It's a JSON file where each voter has the following keys:

  • first
  • last
  • address
  • ballot_style, which is taken from the election manifest


For a full bibliography, see the paper


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