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The Travel simple site use MySQL as database. Here the script to create and insert example data inside a empty DB.

The applications are already configured for MySQL DB

Build database container (ephemeral)

In order to build database container (mySQL) prepare the init script configmap:

oc create configmap mysql-db-script.sql --from-file=mysql-db-script.sql

Now on your Openshift project you will have a new ConfigMap usable on build.

Create the stream where put the build result:

oc create is travelsite-mysql-db

This need for the BuildConfig.spec.output

Create BuildConfig using:

oc create -f ./build-config-openshift.yml

Start build on Openshift:

oc start-build travelsite-mysql-db

##Deploy container For run the builded image stream run:

oc new-app travelsite-mysql-db --name=travelsite-db

Expose in a route the service with:

oc expose service/travelsite-db

##Access You can access to container using browser console and navigate to pod Terminal.

Of you want use local client, you need to port forward the pod using:

oc port-forward #pod_name# :3306

for example: oc port-forward travelsite-db-6f8bf4b766-9rt6v :3306 This will create a new port (i.e. 56218) that you can use for access to pod

Output example:

$ oc port-forward travelsite-db-6f8bf4b766-9rt6v :3306
Forwarding from -> 3306
Forwarding from [::1]:56218 -> 3306
Handling connection for 56218

Building from external registry

###Build image and push

Using, build localy the image using docker client

docker build -t travelsite-mysql-db .

Login into docker hub (or your registry site, e.g.

docker login -u username -p Your-app-generared-password

Tag image

docker tag travelsite-mysql-db username/travelsite-db

Push image

docker push username/travelsite-db

After login in Openshift via OC cli, create a new app using the docker image

oc new-app --as-deployment-config -lapp=database --docker-image username/travelsite-db

Your DB is up and running


Database script for MySQL, just import in a empty DB







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