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dBlog is a decentralized blogging platform based on the Web3Q chain. On this platform, anyone can create their own blog spaces, publish blogs, and leave a comment on any blog.

dBlog can be visited here:

How does it work


dblog.w3q is a w3ns domain name, which maps a contract address. The contract mapped by dblog.w3q is a FlatDirectory contract that stores dBlog's website files.

FlatDirectory is the implementation of the web3 storage data contract. Click here for details.


Create Blog

Creating a blog will create a new blog contract for the creator, and the blog contract inherits from FlatDirectory, so articles can be submitted to the blog contract and stored on the blockchain.

const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum);
const receipt = await this._doTx(() =>
       // blod bytes code
       data: "0x60c060...",

Write blog

After the users create their blog contract, they can compose articles using a markdown editor, and when clicking to publish, the content will be submitted to the blog contract.

const content = this.markdownEditor.value();
const contract = blogContract(this.SimpleBlogAddress);
await this._doTx(() => contract.writeBlog(

Delete blog

Blog owners can delete their articles at any time.

const contract = blogContract(this.SimpleBlogAddress);
await this._doTx(() => contract.deleteBlog(blodId));

Write comment

People can comment on articles to communicate with the author.

const content = this.commentText.toString();
const contract = blogContract(this.SimpleBlogAddress);
await this._doTx(() => contract.writeComment(blogId, stringToHex(content)));

Blog Contract

SimpleBlog is the blog contract to manage articles and comments.

Storage structure

contract SimpleBlog is FlatDirectory {
    struct CommentInfo {
        address contractAddress;
        uint256 commentSize;

    Blog[] public blogs;
    mapping(uint256 => CommentInfo) public commentList; // Each article will have a SimpleComment contract

Write Blog

When a new article is published, a SimpleComment contract is created to manage the article's comments.

function writeBlog(bytes memory title, bytes memory content) public payable {
        uint256 idx = blogs.length;
        blogs.push(Blog(title, block.timestamp));
        write(abi.encodePacked(idx), content);

        CommentsInfo storage info = commentsList[idx];
        SimpleComment comment = new SimpleComment();
        info.contractAddress = address(comment);

Write Comment

function writeComment(uint256 blodId, bytes memory content) public payable {
    CommentInfo storage info = commentList[blodId];
    address contractAddress = info.contractAddress;
    SimpleComment com = SimpleComment(contractAddress);
    com.writeComment(info.commentSize, content);


No description, website, or topics provided.






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