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Attention: This project is no longer maintained. It was meant to be a prototype, I will now focus on a complete rework of QuaMundo!

QuaMundo is a web based app for building fictional or investigate in real worlds by taking sort of "smart notes" – think of it as a "multi-dimensional and multi-medial notebook".

QuaMundo is in an early stage of development, so many things aren't implemented yet or don't work as expected – or may look "ugly". For details see section "Roadmap"

QuaMundo is based on the Ruby on Rails Framework and utilizes some javascript libraries (for example OpenLayers and D3) in the frontend.

QuaMundo aims to be a useful set of tools for authors, historians, game developers, but also, for journalists, investigators, travellers and students.

QuaMundo is in early stage of development; the GUI is just a proof of concept in order to be able to fill in data. It will be improved in the next preview releases.


The basic concept of QuaMundo is a World. In a world you can create Inventories, which can be Figures, Items, Locations or Concepts (for intangible things).

These inventories can be linked together and time-framed by Facts, which in turn allow to relate inventories to another.

The data collected this way can then be searched and filtered (in future versions) and visualized, for example by timelines or map views.

Further details can be found here (only in German yet).


  • Creating worlds
  • Simple user and user-rights management
  • Collecting inventories
  • Link together inventories by "Facts"
  • Create relations between inventories through facts by "Relations"
  • Add tags, attributes and dossiers (including media data) to objects
  • View maps and timelines (WIP)

… not implemented yet

  • Search data by inventories, time ranges, relations, tags, attributes, geo coordinates or full-text search
  • Save a search as a filter
  • Compile facts to Episodes
  • Utilize a clipboard to focus work on specific objects


On premise


Following packages are supposed to be present:

Get the files

To install QuaMundo, run the following steps in a shell/terminal:

# clone the git repository
git clone

# install gems and js packages
cd quamundo
bundle install
yarn install

Create and configure database and extensions

QuaMundo depends on PostgreSQL (and PostGIS extension). Installing and configuring PostgreSQL is not covered by this README. Steps for creating a user etc. is based on a Debian (10) system, so your mileage may vary.

As user 'postgres' create a database user:

# create user (and enter password)
sudo -u postgres createuser -Pds quamundo

Attention! This user will have superuser privileges which is neccessary to install the PostGIS extension! This will be revoked in a later step.

The following instructions assume your database runs on the same host as your rails app (i.e. localhost). For different settings visit the documentation of your OS and the PostgreSQL documentation.

Configure app

For the time being QuaMundo is configured by environment variables, located in file You are encouraged to use a local configuration file (i.e. .env.local) for customized setup:

cp .env.local.sample .env.local
$EDITOR .env.local

Find following lines and change them according to your settings:

Change: # export RAILS_ENV=production to: export RAILS_ENV=production




Also change all the SMTP_* and MAIL_* settings if you want to use the reset-passwort functionality.

(Configuration will be simplified in upcoming versions)

After you customized your configuration set the environment by executing:


Configuring maptile server

To configure map services create a configuration file via:

cp config/maptile_server.yml.sample config/maptile_server.yml

(The rails app won't start without this file!)

If you want to use map services, edit the file and set the url template for a maptiler server according to the OpenLayers documentation As stated there:

URL template. Must include {x}, {y} or {-y}, and {z} placeholders.

Set up rails server

To setup the rails app run following commands:

# create credentials (invokes editor)
rails credentials:edit

# create and setup database
rails db:setup

# compile assets, styles and javascripts
rails webpacker:compile

For security considerations revoke database access privileges which are no longer used from db user:

sudo -u postgres psql --command='ALTER ROLE quamundo WITH NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE;' quamundo

Starting the rails app

The rails app is served by puma which is configured to listen on an unix domain socket (located in tmp/puma.sock). This setup is aimed to be used in conjunction with a reverse proxy (like nginx for example). Configuring a reverse proxy is not covered by this README.

To start the rails app on an unix domain socket simply call rails s

Alternatively you can start QuaMundo by binding the app on a tcp socket by:

puma -b tcp://

This way the app will listen on all network interfaces on port 8080.

However, the recommended way is to serve the app through a reverse proxy.

First login

The execution of rails db:setup will have created an initial admin user with email 'example@example.tld' and password 'Qu4Mund0'. It is highly recommended to change password and set the email address to your own address.

To open the app visit http://localhost:8080 (or whichever your configuration is like) and choose menu 'Login'. After login go to menu 'admin>profile' and change your password.

Only admin users can create other users (and grant admin privilege to them). However, admins can create worlds as well as regular users, so it's up to you, if you use an admin account for regular work in QuaMundo, or if you use them for administrative purposes only.

To create users, visit menu 'admin>Users'.

Hint: For German translation add '?l=de' after the url in the address field of your browser.

Via container



Done yet:

  • Create data structures, models and controllers
  • Build a "proof of concept" UI (needs to be refactored for real use)
  • Implement some prototype of data visualizations (maps, timelines - also just POC)


… in random order …

  • Rework UI/UX
  • Create documentation
  • Add Search and Filters
  • Add import and export facilities
  • Implement an API
  • Provide docker/docker-compose container for local installation/use
  • Transform to a progressive web app for offline-use
  • Create tutorials, maybe a book


QuaMundo depends on a PostgreSQL database with PostGIS extension. For development a docker/docker-compose file is included.


Following tools are supposed to be present:

(For required ruby version look at file .ruby_version).

Setup development environment

For using docker, make sure docker is allowed to create folders in your install directory.

To prepare for development execute following steps in a shell/terminal:

# clone git repository
git clone
cd quamundo

# optionally switch to desired version
git switch <branch>

# build container
docker-compose build

# setup shell environment
cp .env.local.sample .env.local; $EDITOR .env.local

# create maptile server configuration
# for development just copy sample file
cp config/maptile_server.yml.sample config/maptile_server.yml

# source environment

# install ruby gems and js packages
bundle install
yarn install

# start rails server, webpack-dev-server and postgres
foreman start   # this may take a few minutes

# prepare database
rails db:setup

# run test suite

The app can be reached at http://localhost:5100

If you have created an initial admin user, you can login with email 'example@example.tld' and passwort 'Qu4Mund0'

Reporting bugs

For reporting bugs use the github issue tracker