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QSLP -- Version 2.0.0

Qredit Side Ledger Protocol - An easy to use token system for both fungible QSLP-1 and QSLP-2 non-fungible tokens.

This is a sidechain for the Qredit network to integrate Simple Token issuance and management

This must be running on a Qredit Relay or Qredit Full node.

Enable Webhooks in your Qredit Node:

nano .config/qredit-core/mainnet/.env

Make sure the env file has these items:


Go back to user root directory and restart qredit nodes to enable your new .env settings

cd && pm2 restart all

Clone this repo and enter qslp directory

git clone && cd qslp

Give permissions to execute the Sidechain Menu

chmod +x

Start qslp menu


The server runs on the port set in the ini file. If you want to run on a port < 1000, you'll need to run qslpApi.js with sudo or use Nginx proxy

Currently the system supports the QSLP contract schema (v15). QSLP contract schemas are backwards compatible.

Example JSON Object for Genesis:

	qslp1: {
		tp: 'GENESIS',
		de: 8,
		sy: 'TEST',
		na: 'Test Token',
		du: '',
		qt: 100000,
		no: 'notes',
		pa: false,
		mi: false

Stringified, this object will look like this for submitting to the network:

{qslp1: {tp: 'GENESIS',de: 8,sy: 'TEST',na: 'Test Token',du: '',qt: 100000,no: 'notes',pa: false,mi: false}}

QSLP (Schema v15) Contract Methods:

GENESIS - Create a new token
BURN - Destroy/Burn tokens from a contract
MINT - Create/Mint tokens into a contract
SEND - Send tokens from sender address to recipient address
PAUSE - Pause the contract.  Prevents any calls other than RESUME
RESUME - Resume the contract.
NEWOWNER - Change the owner of the contract.
FREEZE - Freeze balance for Token @ Address.
UNFREEZE - UnFreeze balance for Token @ Address.

JSON Variables:

GENESIS: (Recipient Address is QSLP Master - XQRJgWWdxrUqn7hnrtMWbVh7wgz2tP6hnh)

de = Decimal Places  (Integer: 0-8)
sy = Symbol / Ticker  (String: 3-8 characters)
na = Token Name  (String: 3-24 characters)
du = Document URI  (String:  Max 32 characters)  (Optional)
qt = Quantity (Integer)
no = Notes  (String: Max 32 Characters)  (Optional)
pa = Pausable (Boolean:  Default false)  (Optional)
mi = Mintable (Boolean:  Default false)  (Optional)

BURN: (Recipient Address is QSLP Master - XQRJgWWdxrUqn7hnrtMWbVh7wgz2tP6hnh)

id = tokenIdHex (Hexidecimal)
qt = Quantity (Integer)
no = Notes  (String: Max 32 Characters)  (Optional)

MINT: (Recipient Address is QSLP Master - XQRJgWWdxrUqn7hnrtMWbVh7wgz2tP6hnh)

id = tokenIdHex (Hexidecimal)
qt = Quantity (Integer)
no = Notes  (String: Max 32 Characters)  (Optional)

SEND: (Recipent Address is whom you are sending Tokens to)

id = tokenIdHex (Hexidecimal)
qt = Quantity (Integer)
no = Notes  (String: Max 32 Characters)  (Optional)

PAUSE: (Recipient Address is QSLP Master - XQRJgWWdxrUqn7hnrtMWbVh7wgz2tP6hnh)

id = tokenIdHex (Hexidecimal)
no = Notes  (String: Max 32 Characters)  (Optional)

RESUME: (Recipient Address is QSLP Master - XQRJgWWdxrUqn7hnrtMWbVh7wgz2tP6hnh)

id = tokenIdHex (Hexidecimal)
no = Notes  (String: Max 32 Characters)  (Optional)

NEWOWNER: (Recipent Address is whom you are reassigning contract to)

id = tokenIdHex (Hexidecimal)
no = Notes  (String: Max 32 Characters)  (Optional)

FREEZE: (Recipent Address is whom you want to freeze)

id = tokenIdHex (Hexidecimal)
no = Notes  (String: Max 32 Characters)  (Optional)

UNFREEZE: (Recipent Address is whom you want to unfreeze)

id = tokenIdHex (Hexidecimal)
no = Notes  (String: Max 32 Characters)  (Optional)

QSLP-2 (Schema v15) Contract Methods:

GENESIS - Create a new token
PAUSE - Pause the contract.  Prevents any calls other than RESUME
RESUME - Resume the contract.
NEWOWNER - Change the owner of the contract.
AUTHMETA - Authorize an address to add meta data
REVOKEMETA - Revoke authorization to add meta data
CLONE - Create new token by cloning this contract information
ADDMETA - Add meta data to a contract
VOIDMETA - Mark a previously added meta data as void

JSON Variables:

GENESIS: (Recipient Address is QSLP Master - XQRJgWWdxrUqn7hnrtMWbVh7wgz2tP6hnh)

sy = Symbol / Ticker  (String: 3-8 characters)
na = Token Name  (String: 3-24 characters)
du = Document URI  (String:  Max 32 characters)  (Optional)
no = Notes  (String: Max 32 Characters)  (Optional)
pa = Pausable (Boolean:  Default false)  (Optional)

PAUSE: (Recipient Address is QSLP Master - XQRJgWWdxrUqn7hnrtMWbVh7wgz2tP6hnh)

id = tokenIdHex (Hexidecimal)
no = Notes  (String: Max 32 Characters)  (Optional)

RESUME: (Recipient Address is QSLP Master - XQRJgWWdxrUqn7hnrtMWbVh7wgz2tP6hnh)

id = tokenIdHex (Hexidecimal)
no = Notes  (String: Max 32 Characters)  (Optional)

NEWOWNER: (Recipent Address is whom you are reassigning contract to)

id = tokenIdHex (Hexidecimal)
no = Notes  (String: Max 32 Characters)  (Optional)

AUTHMETA: (Recipent Address is whom you are authorizing to add metadata)

id = tokenIdHex (Hexidecimal)
no = Notes  (String: Max 32 Characters)  (Optional)

REVOKEMETA: (Recipent Address is whom you are revoking access to add metadata)

id = tokenIdHex (Hexidecimal)
no = Notes  (String: Max 32 Characters)  (Optional)

CLONE: (Recipient Address is QSLP Master - XQRJgWWdxrUqn7hnrtMWbVh7wgz2tP6hnh)

id = tokenIdHex (Hexidecimal)
no = Notes  (String: Max 32 Characters)  (Optional - Leaveing blank will copy notes from original, providing will create new notes)

ADDMETA: (Recipient Address is QSLP Master - XQRJgWWdxrUqn7hnrtMWbVh7wgz2tP6hnh)

id = tokenIdHex (Hexidecimal)
ch = Chunk number (Integer - Optional / 0 is Default -- If your metadata cannot fit into a single transaction, then chunk it into multiple, ie, 1 of 2, 2 of 2)
na = Name  (String: Max 32 Characters --  name of meta info)
dt = Data  (String -- stringified data for your meta)

VOIDMETA: (Recipient Address is QSLP Master - XQRJgWWdxrUqn7hnrtMWbVh7wgz2tP6hnh)

id = tokenIdHex (Hexidecimal)
tx = transaction id of metadata to void

* Notes:  Only owner can void all meta.  Meta auth users can only void their own meta posts


Qredit Side Ledger Protocol







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