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v v Qowaiv.Validation.Abstractions
v v Qowaiv.Validation.DataAnnotations
v v Qowaiv.Validation.Fluent
v v Qowaiv.Validation.Guarding
v v Qowaiv.Validation.Messages
v v Qowaiv.Validation.Xml
v v Qowaiv.Validation.TestTools

Qowaiv Validation

There are multiple ways to support validation within .NET. Most notable are

Qowaiv.Validation aims to provide extensions on top of those that work well when using Qowaiv SVO's, and prevent vendor lock-in.

Qowaiv Validation Abstractions

To prevent a vendor lock-in, Qowaiv.Validation.Abstractions has been introduced. To achieve that the following is added:


The main interface. Validates a model and returns the validation result.

namespace Qowaiv.Validation.Abstractions
    public interface IValidator<TModel>
        Result<TModel> Validate(TModel model);

Result and Result<TModel>

A (validation) result, containing validation messages. Creation is only via factory methods.

namespace Qowaiv.Validation.Abstractions
    public class Result
        public IReadOnlyList<IValidationMessage> Messages { get; }
        public bool IsValid => !Errors.Any();

        public IEnumerable<IValidationMessage> Errors => Messages.GetErrors();
        public IEnumerable<IValidationMessage> Warnings => Messages.GetWarnings();
        public IEnumerable<IValidationMessage> Infos => Messages.GetInfos();

        public static Result OK => new Result(Enumerable.Empty<IValidationMessage>());
        public static Result<T> Null<T>(params IValidationMessage[] messages) => new Result<T>(messages);
        public static Result<T> For<T>(T value, params IValidationMessage[] messages) => new Result<T>(value, messages);
        public static Result WithMessages(params IValidationMessage[] messages) => new Result(messages);
        public static Result<T> WithMessages<T>(params IValidationMessage[] messages) => new Result<T>(default, messages);

The generic result contains also the value/validated model. This Value is only accessible when the model is valid, otherwise, an InvalidModelException is thrown. This exception contains the validation messages. The result is considered invalid if the value is null, unless explicitly created with Result.Null<T>().

namespace Qowaiv.Validation.Abstractions
    public sealed class Result<T> : Result
        public T Value => IsValid
            ? _value
            : throw InvalidModelException.For<T>(Errors);

Typical use cases are:

Result<DataType> result = Result.For(value);
Result<DataType> resultWithMessages = Result.For(value, messages);
Task<Result<DataType>> asyncResult = Result.For(value).AsTask();

Composed Actions

A Composed Action can be created by method chaining of multiple smaller actions/functions. Subsequent actions are executed while the Result<TModel> is valid:

Result<DataType> result = GetModel()
    .Act(m => m.Action1())
    .Act(m => m.Action2());

Or with the | pipe operator:

Result<DataType> result = GetModel()
    | (m => m.Action1())
    | (m => m.Action2());

This is short for:

Result<DataType> result = GetModel()
if (result.Isvalid)
    result = result.Value.Action1();
if (result.Isvalid)
    result = result.Value.Action2();

It is also possible to have multiple acts that update a shared context:

Result<Context> context = NewContext()
    .Act(c => Service.GetValue(), (c, value) => c.Value = value)
    .Act(c => Service.GetOther(), (c, other) => c.Value = other);

Or, with a (shared) immutable context:

Result<Context> context = NewContext()
    .Act(c => Service.GetValue(), (c, value) => /* return Context */ c.Update(value))
    .Act(c => Service.GetOther(), (c, other) => /* return Context */ c.Update(other));


The following castings are supported:

Result<T> implicit = new T();
T explicit = Result.For<T>(new T());
Result<TOut> casted = Result.For<T>(new T()).Cast<TOut>();

The explicit casts fails if the result was not valid. The Cast<TOut>() fails when TOut is not a subclass of T.


The common ground of validation messages.

namespace Qowaiv.Validation.Abstractions
    public interface IValidationMessage
        ValidationSeverity Severity { get; }
        string PropertyName { get; }
        string Message { get; }

There are implementations available in Qowaiv.Validation.Abstraction, Qowaiv.Validation.Fluent and Qowaiv.Validation.DataAnnotation. You can pick your implementation of choice based on your scenario.


Qowaiv.Validation.Messages contains a specific implementation of IValidationMessage for communicating insufficient rights. A use case for this can be to communicate a 403 - Forbidden response.


Qowaiv.Validation.Messages contains a specific implementation of IValidationMessage for communicating that a concurrency issue. A use case for this can be to communicate a 409 - Conflict response.


Qowaiv.Validation.Messages contains a specific implementation of IValidationMessage for communicating that an entity could not be found. A use case for this can be to communicate a 404 - Not Found response.


Qowaiv.Validation.Messages contains a specific implementation of IValidationMessage for communicating that a service was unavailable. A use case for this can be to communicate a 503 - Service Unavailable response.

Qowaiv exensions on *Fluent Validation

Provides a Fluent Validation based implementation of the Qowaiv.Validation.Abstractions.IValidator and custom validation extensions (..).

Qowaiv DataAnnotations based validation

Provides an data annotations based implementation of the Qowaiv.Validation.Abstractions.IValidator and data annotation attributes (..).

XML validation

Validating XML documents via XSD schema's is a common scenario. To benefit from Result<T> the following scenario is supported:

var document = XDocument.Parse("<some xml />");
Result<XDocument> result = document.Validate(schema);

Where the schema can be System.IO.Stream, System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema, or System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet.

A schema can also be the source of a model validator:

var validator = new SchemaValidator<MyModel>(schema);
Result<MyModel> result = validator.Validate(model);
// or
Result<MyModel> deserialized = validator.Deserialize(stream);

So validation can be triggered on an existing model, or when deserializing.

Note that TModel (obviously) has to be XML serializable.


To guard pre-conditions, the fluent syntax .Must() guards conditions using a Result<T> to communicate the outcome. So:

game.Must().Be(game.Phase == GamePhase.Started, "Game has started");

will return a valid Result<Game> if the game is the required state, otherwise an invalid Result<Game> with the specified error message is returned.

Out-of-the-box, Be, NotBe, and Exist are provided, but it can easily be extended by writing custom extension methods on Must<TSubject> based on what guarding your (domain) logic requires.

Test Tools

Qowaiv.Valdation comes with a separate Test Tools package. Details about that package can be found here.


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