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Discord Bot

A general utility discord bot with multi server support.


  • Economy system
  • Exp system with generated images and leveled roles
  • A lot of settings for the server and the individual user


To run this bot yourself you have to prepare a few things:

  1. Download and set up Redis
  2. Download and set up MongoDB
  3. Create a file (this will probably be changed in the future) with the following content:
token = ""  # just paste the bot token in here
prefix = ["."]  # multiple prefixes are possible
default_game = ["games here"]  # can be anything, just follow the format
database_username = ["this can be empty", "username"]  # the database username of your mongodb database
database_password = ["this can be empty", "password"]  # the database password of your mongodb database
database_default = "database name"  # the default database which will be used
database_url = ["this can be empty", "database url"]  # the database url which will be used 
embed_color: int = 0xB0D2E7  # the default embed color
currency_name = "$"  # the name of the currency (this is not a server setting currently)
redis_settings = {"url": ("the redis url", host as int)}  # your redis settings (you might need more than the url here)
default_exp = {
    "exp_amount": 20,
    "exp_cooldown": 60,
    "exp_blacklist_roles": None,
    "exp_level_roles": None,
}  # the default exp settings
default_income = {
    "income_amount": 10,
    "income_cooldown": 60,
    "income_daily": 200,
    "income_hourly_cooldown": 24,
    "income_blacklist_roles": None,
    "income_multiplier_roles": None,
    "income_tax_roles": None,
    "income_give_disallowed_roles": None,
    "income_give_allowed_roles": None
}  # default income settings

grpc_settings = {
    "address": "localhost:50051"
}  # the grpc settings used for microservices 
limits = {
    "basic": {
        "exp_level_roles": 10
}  # limits which could be used for a subscription based model
subscription_website = "website to donate"  # a donation website to your bot if users hit limits
# dont change this setting, this currently is needed for the way settings are handled
third_value_settings = ["income_tax_roles", "income_multiplier_roles", "exp_level_roles"] 
# you can change the emotes used for numbers here, make sure the bot has access to them:
digits = {
            10: ":keycap_10:",
            9: ":nine:",
            8: ":eight:",
            7: ":seven:",
            6: ":six:",
            5: ":five:",
            4: ":four:",
            3: ":three:",
            2: ":two:",
            1: ":one:"
  1. Download the required python libraries from the requirements.txt file
  2. Download the grpc backend: will be added once the bot is completely ready
  3. Run the bot, it will automatically load all files starting with cmd

This bot is not ready for production usage, which also is the usage why the GRPC files and the GRPC client are not open source yet.


A general utility discord bot.





