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Pump — A generic data flow program

Pump is a generic data flow program, meant to accommodate those who often use multiple unrelated programs for data wrangling. Normally, you would have to keep track manually about which program to call and in what order.

With Pump, you just have to write a (simple) workflow file and let the program run it for you. Not only does this make executing the different scripts easier, it also gives you a better control over how data sets are being created. You may even store the workflow file via git or other version control systems, for example.

That way, you will never forget how you created that data set!


Pump is written in C++, following the recent C++11 standard, so you definitely need a somewhat modern C++ compiler. Other than CMake as a build system, Pump does not require any other dependencies.


  • Clone the repository
  • Install CMake using a package manager of your choice
  • Install a modern C++ compiler such as clang if you do not have one already

In the cloned repository, issue the following commands to build Pump:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../
$ make

This should be sufficient to build pump, some related tools, and some examples.


Please consult the wiki for usage information. You are welcome to extend the documentation, request features, and so on…


Pump uses the MIT license. Please see the file in the main directory of the repository for more details.