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Denise Draper edited this page Mar 1, 2022 · 18 revisions

Welcome to the New Project Drawdown Solutions Wiki!

We use this wiki to talk about current, recent and upcoming work. Our goal is to keep this page updated fairly frequently so that is is a reliable source of information about what is currently going on.


Last updated 2/28/2022

If you've followed our activity, you will have noticed a big slow down in the last few months. A four-month campaign to get as much work done on integrating the existing and new Project Drawdown solution models came to an end at the end of October of last year, and some of the people working on the project have gone on to other things.

We are still making progress, but slower. Updating to the newest version of models remains a priority, as does completing the remaining integrations.

Additionally, we're working on improving the API documentation (the docstrings). We've completed the infrastructure to put it all online (see; now the goal is to improve the quality of the content.

There are a number of major architectural shifts I would like to see happen, but these are on hold pending concrete requirements from users or the Drawdown team.

Past Activity

  • Jan - Feb 2022:

  • Oct - Dec 2021:

    • A number of improvements to the extraction code have eliminated some of the "sore spots" that made extraction difficult.
    • About fifteen solution models were updated or extracted for the first time.
    • Three additional integrations were completed (six remain).
  • September 2021

    • Most of the oceans scenarios ported
    • All scenarios have a 'key results' feature that shows a handful of useful summaries of the impact of that scenario.
    • Infrastructure to support integrations: ability to make temporary new versions of files without overwriting the originals
    • Migration of TAM and adoption data structures out of the code into files (which makes them updatable).
    • First integration completed.
  • August 2021:

    • A number of new solutions added.
    • Resolved a number of "quirks" in Excel behavior, including the variable "start year" behavior, by adding new parameters to match the quirks.
    • The beginnings of what will be a series of changes to the structure of solutions/scenarios, introducing a class hierarchy to allow the code to be more centralized.
    • Introduced the ability to define scenarios dynamically, by providing all the parameters at initialization time.
    • Contributor-provided: new modeling for N20 and C4O greenhouse gas analysis!
  • July 2021:

    • Incorporated bug fixes from the hackathon.
    • Added new conversion tools from work @ssmssam did at the hackathon
    • Changed the test infrastructure to put the tests in the same directory as the solutions. If you are working on converting an Excel model, you need to change your testdata directory to tests and add the new test file (copy from any other solution directory and modify appropriately).
  • July Hackathon. The Project Drawdown Hackathon occurred in July, and helped us make progress on many models, and also uncovered and help us fix more than a few bugs.

There was history before this, but this is when we started keeping track of it.