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chore(release): 3.0.0 [skip ci]
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# [3.0.0]( (2020-06-18)

### Bug Fixes

* adapt procedure to resolver array change ([366e0ca](
* add await in all expect functions ([997f53f](
* add code comments and improve some lines ([707a59a](
* add code to launch tiered sto missing compared to simple sto ([3e02b39](
* add extra mocks to ensure that calledWith is valid ([47675d9](
* add feedback fixes requested by Jere ([f794f99](
* add fixes requested by VW's feedback ([ce227f2](
* add getWallet method reference ([c2d342e](
* add improvements requested by Jere's review ([a9c8ee8](
* add improvements requested by Jere's review ([d3ae9e4](
* add missing procedure arguments to the ProcedureArguments interface ([cce4789](
* add more comments ([fa7ac9c](
* add prettier to files missing it ([73884ea](
* add prettier to test files ([a3936e3](
* add rejects to the polymatherror check to make test pass ([90b1ee0](
* add rimraf as dev dependency ([4eee256](
* add security token reference ([05f81d9](
* add shareholder factory mock instance ([ec5554c](
* add tests to cover 100% ([dc555ff](
* address code review comments (cont.) ([808a2d2](
* address review comments across controller and freezeIssuance ([b2152ef](
* address review issues ([97d6f5c](
* address review issues ([fab0746](
* assign proper module name for roles ([eed78e8](
* assume a string stoModuleId ([0ecc461](
* attempt to estimate gas for token reservation ([a50147e](
* auto merge ([4d30354](
* await on statement controllerTransfer ([617c0f0](
* await permission status properly ([c53e7db](
* better var names ([3fbd074](
* broken test ([6335f56](
* bug already in reclaimFunds ([f834e54](
* bug in mint tokens ([68a4bc7](
* bug in pauseSto, calledWith args, prettier ([5ee5b02](
* bug missing the addedTransactions push of tag for modifyoracles ([550fff7](
* bug with mintTokens test ([bdee0a6](
* bug with missing transaction tag type ([24509e3](
* build issue ([aa632e1](
* build/ ([dbb3be3](
* bump lodash version to fix vulnerability ([1408f84](
* change each for map ([8e32aba](
* change method description ([bd1163a](
* change MockedTokenFactoryModule name with first letter in uppercase ([dcfbcf6](
* change procedure arg names ([43d8985](
* change single comment ([c1a2608](
* change travis file ([8b2e130](
* changes caught by Fede ([c255e20](
* changes requested by vw's review ([d62aa06](
* check erc20 and eth add transaction separately ([873eee8](
* check that corresponding feature is enabled ([358b23f](
* cloneDeep issue and prettier ([06ea717](
* comments ([105319d](
* comments based on review ([73f2acf](
* comments from review ([a47af52](
* comments improvements ([8962561](
* comments improvements ([9073538](
* controller redeem issue ([6531de5](
* controller redeem issue ([947bdcf](
* controller transfer full coverage ([73687e3](
* controllerTransfer is now passing mock testing ([0e0b49a](
* convert transaction parameters properly ([2adfa13](
* createEtherDividendDistribution refactor naming and object ([32a676b](
* createSecurity token, now passes but does not mock approveErc20 ([462a856](
* delete test file ([3bcf316](
* descriptions and unnecessary code in two procedures ([59ba9e5](
* descriptions of tests improved ([fdb4c41](
* dividends distribution mock the gpm module ([cdb221f](
* docs ([840f95e](
* docs ([6840104](
* documentation ([fa9d426](
* documentation ([586346d](
* documentation ([aedea4c](
* documentation ([b182b6e](
* documentation ([24ca7cb](
* documentation ([566092c](
* documentation ([35bea90](
* documentation ([7f7f99b](
* documentation ([b3c6d64](
* documentation ([e79f013](
* documentation issues from review ([46748e0](
* enable count transfer manager refactor ([2bd3d73](
* entity tests for version change ([ee52431](
* entity tests were broken from recent changes ([fb9d3cf](
* erc20 mock still not working for balanceOf ([e92c105](
* expected error messages ([0d797da](
* export resolver method ([a8e8fd9](
* extra space ([c2f38d0](
* feedback improvements ([25bca45](
* feedback improvements ([1a298b4](
* feedback improvements ([31e596d](
* feedback request ([d755e4c](
* fetch modules by address only as it's sufficient ([6feba16](
* filter expired reservations out ([6e20641](
* finish refining tests that throw errors ([2e968a3](
* fix a couple of typos ([43fece5](
* fix a few typos ([fe43fc9](
* fix a typo that prevented retrieving USDTieredSTO modules ([84d896a](
* fix another typo ([2c49af1](
* fix cappedSto invest typing and remove useless line ([07e5d92](
* fix compilation error ([bb9499b](
* fix compilation errors ([8a128cc](
* fix conflict ([9dae41b](
* fix continuous-integration error ([7589452](
* fix error when fetching 2.0 tokens ([ce9fcb8](
* fix expiration clause ([3aab487](, closes [#86](
* fix how we get owned security tokens ([d5dcb48](
* fix investments with stable coins on TieredSTO ([94e490b](
* fix manual merge from github ([76d9a45](
* fix mockFactories name import ([5568ee2](
* fix module name comparisons ([011a0ec](
* fix security token reservation ([e1de5b7](, closes [#86]( [#85](
* fix tests and compilation issues ([6ca5f2c](
* fix travis file ([903048f](
* fix type errors regarding STO roles ([e803970](
* fix typing of force transfer args ([06b8932](
* fix typo in procedure type enum ([d346e77](
* fix validations ([0a9cd13](
* fix yet another bogus message ([75fadd5](
* freeze issuance with addSignatureRequest ([3c2caad](
* full mockout of Approveerc20 ([712a4ed](
* get launchcappedsto to pass fully ([5a3c84f](
* get rid of unused imports ([4b32021](
* handle the case when securitytoken fetcher returns null ([433b821](
* imporvements requested by jere ([62f124c](
* improve assignSecurityTokenRole getModuleAddresses ([3560dd6](
* improve code and add new tests on transfer reservation ownership ([603c3db](
* improve code and comments from feedback request ([f77bcd3](
* improve code and fix test to cover 100% ([1ec51ba](
* improve code based on parent branch ([4a78c62](
* improve comments into the code ([eaeb476](
* improve createResolver return method ([9bd6e03](
* improve createsecuritytoken with approveerc20 mock ([e7f0baa](
* improve error description when KYC is not valid ([7531f4e](, closes [#123](
* improve error message ([fa8ead4](
* improve the Omit type ([37c2e6d](
* improvements suggested by Jere ([a982bbc](
* incorrect comments in tax withholding list ([48f264b](
* incorrect module name reference ([260bc7a](
* increase coverage to 100% ([cf22faa](
* increase test cov to 100 in reserve ST, prettier ([e106cd1](
* initial review issues ([62cacc6](
* innappropriate quotations ([99f0e88](
* instantiate STR using ContractWrapperFactory ([4a30917](
* isolating issue with address across files ([6c2f978](
* issue with test description ([78bbb1b](
* issue with yarnclean and istanbul reports. may not be necessary ([d3360ee](
* jest import ([b45b23d](
* last review changes for branch ([3ebab63](
* launchCappedSto issue ([2ce4b99](
* linting errors and a lower case spelling issue ([6caff57](
* linting issues ([37fe3d4](
* logic, as find returns a number, not a boolean ([63badbe](
* logical issue with oracles ([05e6231](
* make 'log' and 'data' optional on API level ([4646c3f](
* make delegate description mandatory ([e94a1c9](, closes [#100](
* make error a const ([0410e69](
* make fixes to prettier and text issues within documents ([05cba1a](
* make gas price fetching more accurate ([ce1764d](
* make test logic more sound to keep full coverage ([a714ac2](
* manual merge ([f9a4ba3](
* mint Tokens tests now pass ([ca95696](
* mock for prepare, test now passing. left comment inside file ([5dd2337](
* mock the polymathBase ([68c645c](
* mock the token factory ([4c54092](
* mockFactories issue in launch sto branch ([23c8117](
* modify  comments ([ab1f439](
* modify comments ([f45ec26](
* modify readme ([9a6ec28](
* modify tiered sto mistake ([012ec9a](
* move function to private mode ([7e8eb25](
* multiple resolvers for create chkpoint ([61ae16e](
* new comments ([cbe566d](
* not working approveErc20 for balanceOf, erc20DivDist for address ([229180c](
* only transfer POLY to ST if the current balance is insufficient ([47e08cc](
* other commit needed ([31b7e16](
* oversight with build, needed new tiered sto params ([9bfb852](
* pass options to module address getter ([1ffa06a](, closes [#108](
* polymath error instead of plain error ([ed49a2a](
* polymathbase manual merge ([1be587c](
* props entity docs ([744abe9](
* push dividend payments to actual unpaid shareholders ([73b079e](
* re-add lodash dependency ([0fa5ff2](
* rearrange file and try some other approach ([490763a](
* refactor remaining transactions ([bd0f3b4](
* refactor resolver issues pending ([65d4fa8](
* refine Launch Tiered STO types ([acd32aa](
* refresh boolean properties properly ([15b0474](
* refresh cached entities before returning them ([3726872](
* refresh should return array of undefined ([5562670](
* remove a console.log ([7188927](
* remove duplicate permission module procedure ([f2c929f](
* remove duplicates from returned ST array ([46ff7dd](
* remove point ([df0d2e1](
* remove redundancy ([beab369](
* remove redundant code from toggle pause sto ([80edb84](
* remove redundant use of 'Note that' ([a421fa8](
* remove root import ([5c2db95](
* remove SinonStub import ([6109bdc](
* remove symbol string ([6af1b8b](
* remove the changes made to ptm, prevent conflict with other pr ([f86a6a8](
* remove the verifications for now, they will come in another branch ([a3ecbfa](
* remove unnecesary import ([228eca8](
* remove unnecessary await ([f798c8c](
* remove unnecessary code ([994c51d](
* remove unnecessary code ([8578762](
* remove unnecessary code in launchcappedsto ([f04d30f](
* remove unnecessary comment ([ad5eb64](
* remove unnecessary comment ([92718d2](
* remove unnecessary error logging ([f85b8e6](
* remove unnecessary import ([3364ea8](
* remove unnecessary var definition ([fab6209](
* remove unusued gpmMock from test ([54b1f31](
* remove useless log statement ([76f10fd](
* rename interface and remove Context import ([80838fd](
* rename interface in wallet factory ([8f9790a](
* renaming issue with mockFactories ([e8f8441](
* replace 'STO' with 'Sto' ([312b9d3](
* replace absolute imports with relative ones ([5d6fee6](
* replace any with void ([65f4811](
* replace default exports with named ones ([bc27319](
* resolve issues requested by pull request ([75d1fbe](
* resolver function as an array ([68f0e4d](
* resolver tests for updateDivTaxWithholdingList ([15cf2f3](
* return proper variables from toPojo ([1307153](
* return protocol version correctly ([308eae4](
* return the procedure ([fee8928](
* reverse package lock json ([fb6c017](
* revert lockfile content ([13a8beb](
* revert vscode settings ([0145d50](
* revert yarn lock ([7a07910](
* review changes ([901e23a](
* review comment ([49a285c](
* review comment issues ([1ea674a](
* review comments ([b12a55e](
* review comments ([f3086d6](
* review comments addressed ([ef552c0](
* review comments and feedback ([daa2c2c](
* review comments first half ([d2758cc](
* review comments in controller/redeem ([1ff6f32](
* review comments on document and shareholders ([7be804b](
* review comments, docs and await issue ([4c724ec](
* review comments, new test, new comments ([8ea5918](
* review comments, unnecessary code and internal func ([07ad557](
* review issues now addressed ([76d9058](
* review issues, comment and redundant code ([6611429](
* sdk not built for nodejs ([5e42b41](
* securityTokenRegistry to return fees in POLY instead of Wei ([a6df76a](
* should throw if there is no valid security token being provided ([e7244c2](
* simplify resolve of promise for ownerAddress ([28989ea](
* small fixes before review ([ac63126](
* solve compilation errors ([177878e](
* split cancelsto procedure into forcetransfer and pausesto ([ae6030d](
* sto module error issue ([a1a3e53](
* successfully testing createCheckpoint now, using set correctly ([4c48069](
* support fast speed properly on mainnet ([a463f78](
* test is now passing, hurray ([ebe2951](
* test not passing ([c54a44a](
* testing changes ([303a722](
* tests and procedure code based on review comments ([585f033](
* tests that needed to be updated to return from stub ([8b9860b](
* the assignSTRole issues ([626b93f](
* the controller and basic procedure to use addSignatureRequest ([2cdc465](
* there is a seperate test for refresh refactor ([83734c5](
* throw proper validation error ([103f6d6](
* travis CI fix ([bfaeff9](
* type transaction queue return values properly ([439e5e8](
* typo error ([2123ca2](
* typo error ([189b952](
* typo fixes ([af1e80a](
* unnecessary comment ([2d50f1d](
* update contract wrappers to fix event decoding bugs ([eeb0fbf](
* update package and update sto ([3faa10f](
* update to mock the security token from ticker ([f043fd8](
* updateDivTaxWithholding issue ([41b5a92](
* use contract wrappers version with fixed addModuleWithLabel ([d70df68](, closes [#101](
* use conversionUtils from wrappers, refactor divObject, prettier ([4b9a7da](
* use correct BigNumber library ([750ace1](
* use correct casing for import path ([b98d546](
* use correct STR getter in `getSecurityTokens` ([73bf8bc](, closes [#61](
* use correct transaction tag ([d607c7f](
* use correct type ([b3313d8](
* use rimraf to assure cross platform compatibility ([941fb82](
* use single quotes for test descriptions ([5819473](
* use the correct method of verification ([b5aa85e](
* use the new check transfer status pattern to warn about failure ([7c0f734](
* use toBe instead of toEqual ([124e8da](
* **approveerc20:** fix comment and add prettier ([f7d1bf9](
* **createcheckpoint:** error in test describes ([e7890dc](
* **createcheckpoint test:** fix erroneous comment ([9a42bff](
* **permissions:** retrieve delegate details ([302c1f5](, closes [#102](
* various issues from review ([7c13988](
* verifications correctly for modifyShareholders ([5579d58](
* working on procedure tests st and dividendDistribution (in progress ([24e8974](
* wrong factory type ([7bd8630](
* yarn issues ([da08c79](
* yarn issues ([c0a5392](

### Code Refactoring

* move offerings namespace into issuance namespace ([3139ee5](
* rename shareholders to tokenholders ([6ffd416](
* rename STO parameters for consistency ([0051cf4](
* rename UsdTieredSto to TieredSto ([06e719f](

### Features

* add `Fastest` a speed option ([aa85e8d](
* add `getTaxWithholding` function to dividends namespace ([f572e5a](
* add `onNetworkChange` utility ([5fad82f](, closes [#58](
* add `shareholders.revokeKyc` to the Security Token Entity ([708bd30](
* add `signDisableControllerData` endpoint to controller namespace ([aa78b04](
* add `signFreezeIssuanceAck` to issuance namespace ([4215575](
* add all missing TieredSto properties and some for CappedSto ([fef668b](
* add an extra spy to make sure our target function was called ([6e082c1](
* add API function ([9a6f61e](
* add approveErc20 mock to the createErc20DivDist ([980bbf1](
* add canTransfer as a security token property ([0840e6c](
* add controller management function ([251d1c5](
* add controller redeem procedure with tests ([5be2a98](
* add coverage metrics to our output when we test locally ([81118ce](
* add coverage status to readme ([3f1d48a](
* add disableController procedure, tests to controller entity ([cf31033](
* add document remove and set ([c29d0c3](
* add fees to transaction queues ([1d23a18](
* add finalize capabilities to STO entities ([a24cf76](
* add freezeIssuance procedure, test ([3f794c0](
* add getters for documents in submodule ([9a801b0](
* add invest function to TieredSto ([d280707](
* add investor and holder counts ([6f6b729](
* add issuance allowed and transfer frozen ([3107b40](
* add minting capabilities to the ST ([e3e036c](
* add mocks to resolve issues in transferErc20 for launchcappedsto ([995eb61](
* add more modification procedures ([91ad8e6](
* add more robust testing to the project, first example ([34f1706](
* add more test to approveErc20 ([6b399a7](
* add new procedure transfer ownership ([f19502f](
* add new tests and get assignSTRole to pass ([1dfdcb1](
* add owner to security token entity ([0b233e0](
* add prettier ([5cb7947](
* add procedure and function to launch Capped STO ([79a3521](
* add procedure to launch a USD Tiered STO ([ca96112](
* add PTM roles ([f9b1285](
* add public `getInvestorData` function ([0abf0c2](
* add role and delegate getters ([6600b6d](
* add security token fetcher function ([7c2ceb6](
* add signature request verification ([bfb9256](
* add signTransferData endpoint ([fb345b7](
* add STO role managing functionality ([5f7b713](
* add STO support ([b4b4b1b](
* add support for capped sto investments ([38dd0a7](
* add support for getting/setting `allowPrimaryIssuance` ([63aae94](
* add support for percentage restrictions ([25625e9](
* add support for shareholder count restrictions ([fbafd4c](
* add support for signature requests ([703c409](
* add the documents namespace ([2226628](
* add the features namespace  to the SecurityToken entity ([e65daca](
* add the GPM contract wrapper + procedure ([06291da](
* add ticker availability check ([97fce98](
* add Toggle Freeze Transfers procedure ([e227ed7](
* add transfer namespace ([b814c65](
* add transfer security tokens feature ([063d0ec](
* add validations and fix typings ([15c59db](
* add wallet entity and wallet factory ([b46c318](
* add whitelist specific code ([15c2d35](
* adding coveralls to project ([c115dcb](
* allow `getSecurityToken` to receive an address as a parameter ([9e06d4a](
* allow user to configure transaction speed ([d1936ca](, closes [#66](
* apply SecurityToken 3.0 changes ([a97f367](
* change Sto interface ([3a755df](
* change wrapper gas estimation function into a utility one ([c1990d1](
* check tags and fees related to launch sto addTransaction call ([a588c7e](
* continue improving modify shareholder data ([2dabfc6](
* create procedure to allow/disallow beneficial investment ([3ceb5ab](
* create procedure to modify investor data and public SDK method ([64f0a44](
* create procedure to modify tiered STO data ([e0a8701](
* disable controller not working test ([7938d37](
* enable sto cancellation ([1d68602](
* expose SecurityTokenReservation data ([eb08509](
* expose USD fees as well as POLY fees ([a07db1d](
* filter revoked shareholders out when fetching ([e59c972](
* freeze and unfreeze transfers in st entity ([5435c1a](
* fully cover dividend features ([c0329fe](
* get default gas in testnets using eth_gasPrice ([7b26e61](
* get default gas price from eth gas station ([be58270](
* get more St data and populate entity ([63347f3](
* getting launch STO to pass tests ([906ed35](
* handle error scenarios better ([2c21585](
* implement pre-mint support ([9fefd73](
* implement roles related functions ([8719d53](
* improve mint tokens coverage ([cacaeb2](
* increase dividend distribution coverage ([4549f67](
* increase test coverage further for assignStoRole ([6e5d897](
* make current address getters async ([b409661](
* make entities unique and create them via factories ([823dc14](
* make PolymathRegistryAddress an optional arg in connect method ([1728816](
* make rolesPerFeature public ([bc79581](
* only transfer POLY to the ST if missing ([3cf8dbd](
* port code to multi version wrappers ([28dd4ef](
* refactor div payments and reclaim funds tests ([3104fce](
* refactor of modify shareholder data check args ([b2eba3a](
* refine handling of custom currencies in Tiered STO ([c31ce47](
* refresh entities when procedures that affect them are rune ([a4b5ae4](
* refresh security token factory in code ([ca5a3e9](
* refresh st factory when there is a redemption ([939a504](
* refresh st factory with mint tokens ([c219017](
* remove eth dividends ([022c3b7](
* remove unnecessary parameters from feature enable function ([02984dc](
* rename CappedSto to SimpleSto ([e3844b4](
* rename minting operations ([73d6785](
* rename signature functions to be more concise ([2d4e2cb](
* retrieve sto's paused and capReached properties ([4e121b4](
* return default oracle addresses ([6a7dbe4](
* return delegated tokens as well from `getSecurityTokens` ([59f52fb](
* return entities from procedures ([792acc4](
* separate ST functionalities into namespaces ([55b1cb2](
* separate transfer restrictions into namespaces ([d0ef9e9](
* skeleton for mint tokens, issues persist with generateId ([403836c](
* throw error when fetching non-existing token ([1229c58](
* transfer ownership workingq ([f083abe](
* transfer ticker ownership procedure ([eb9632f](
* try adding coveralls command to travis ([967f228](
* try adding refresh to mint token functionality ([ab003ee](
* try using typemoq instead of ts-mockito for same test ([bb9a678](
* trying to test CreateCheckpoint itself ([4831382](
* update contract wrappers ([cfd7ea8](
* update package with new contract wrappers ([d612b85](
* update readme and docs ([02bd830](
* update wrappers to 3.0 and fix imports ([f325551](
* upgrade SecurityTokenRegistry to v3.0.0 ([f119067](
* use contract wrappers instead of low level ([88bfa3b](
* use enum version in the sdk, not bn array for version ([8f0e914](
* use latest contract wrappers ([0e9b0bf](
* use ts-mock-imports and sinon to test CreateCheckpoint ([f3b3333](
* **approve erc20 test:** in progress missing a mock ([148cfce](
* **features:** disable features ([9e9451d](
* **securitytoken:** add test for type of security token, createCheckpnt ([8e25ecb](

### Performance Improvements

* `@semantic-release/npm` step ([7229f4c](
* skip modifying investor flags if not necessary ([9573ee5](


* Rename every occurrence of `shareholder` to `tokenholder`
* rename `ProcedureType` enum's member `Approve` to `ApproveErc20`, rename the
`ApproveProcedureArgs` interface to `ApproveErc20ProcedureArgs`. This affects the
`ProcedureArguments` interface
* `securityToken.offerings` is now `securityToken.issuance.offerings`
* support only ERC20 dividends in the dividends namespace, remove the dividend
manager entities and getter. Features and permissions related to dividends don't specify the type
anymore. Remove the `DividendType` enum
* subdivide `restrictions` namespace into `count` and `percentage` and distributed
the methods between them
* `shareholders.mintTokens` renamed to `issuance.issueTokens`
* rename CappedSto to SimpleSto
* Removed `investments` in favor of a `getInvestments` function. Changed
`investorAmount` to `investorCount`
* security token now has many more variables
* **permissions:** getDelegatesForRole now returns [string, string]
* entity `UsdTieredSto` rernamed to `TieredSto`, enum `StoType.UsdTiered` changed to
* make the description parameter mandatory in the `assignRole` function in the
Security Token's permissions namespace
* Remove `permissions.enable` and `dividends.enable`
* change the `fees` property  in Transaction Queues from `BigNumber` to `{ usd:
BigNumber; poly: BigNumber; }`
* too many to list
* move most functionality from the `Polymath` base class to entity classes, rename
enum `DividendModuleType` to `DividendType`, rename enum `StoModuleType` to `StoType
* rename STO entity properties for consistency
  • Loading branch information
semantic-release-bot committed Jun 18, 2020
1 parent 24f3e14 commit e8bbc1e
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@polymathnetwork/sdk",
"version": "3.0.0-beta.1",
"version": "3.0.0",
"description": "A Javascript SDK for interacting with the Polymath network for the browser and Node.js",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
Expand Down

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