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Nuxt.js template

Nuxt.js template project with default configuration to work with, created following the official installation guide.

This template implements the following:

SASS resources

To work with SASS resources I use @nuxtjs/style-resources module.

By default I import all the global styles, included the SASS and/or css variables, in the index.scss file. Therefore I use this file to setup the global CSS and the @nuxtjs/styles-resources inside the nuxt.config.js file.

** Global CSS
css: [

** Nuxt.js modules
modules: [

** Style resources module configuration
styleResources: {
  scss: [

If you want to use other configurations, you can visit the repository.

If you don't need or don't want to use this module, all you have to do is remove the module and the configuration from the nuxt.config.js, and remove the package from the package.json file.


There is a _grid.scss file that I work with, this is a simple grid implementation created with flex-box, you can delete it if you want.

Grid configuration

Default breakpoints

  • $sm-screen: 480px;
  • $md-screen: 768px;
  • $lg-screen: 1264px;
  • $xl-screen: 1916px;

Default grid settings

  • $container-max-width: 1360px;
  • $container-width: 95%;
  • $gap-xs: 1.2rem;
  • $gap-sm: 1.6rem;
  • $gap-md: 2.0rem;
  • $gap-lg: 2.4rem;
  • $gap-xl: 2.8rem;


All the configuration needed to work with this module is inside the i18n.js file.

By default I've created a plugin that works together with a store to load information about the current language. If you don't need to access to this information you can delete them and remove the plugin from the nuxt.config.js file.

If you don't need or don't want to use i18n, you need to delete the i18n.js file as well as the languages directory, remove the module and the i18n.js import from the module section inside the nuxt.config.js file, remove the package from the package.json file and finally remove the plugin and the store like I mentioned previously.


If you want to change the configuration, you can visit the options reference.

Adding a new language

You need to add a new object in the locales array with al least the following structure:

// i18n.js
  code: 'es',
  iso: 'es-ES',
  file: 'es-ES.js' // File with translations
// es-ES.js
export  default {
  hello: '¡Hola! o/'

You can add other keys and values that you need to work with. The translations file need to be located inside the languages directory.

All the information of the locale will be accessible from the i18n store.


I've created three files, based on the approach of the official prismic vue implementation.

To work with prismic there are a couple of packages you need.

  • prismic-dom
  • prismic-javascript

And there is a PRISMIC_ENDPOINT in nuxt.config.js. You need to change this endpoint by your own api endpoint.

These three files are registered globally with the prismic-components.js plugin.

Also you need to pay special attention to the linkResolver function inside the prismic.js plugin. If you create a new page you will need to add a condition inside this function.

To use the components you just need to pass the field prop:

<PrismicLink :field="myLink" />
<PrismicImage :field="myImage" />
<PrismicRichText :field="myRichText" />


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