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Cool demo

We aim to generate a boilerplate code for projects when we know the specs. 💕

How to install


You will need node installed in your machine. In case you don't have it (you can check this typing node --version in your terminal) please visit this link.

We also need to install Yeoman, and the Pixel2HTML Generator, so run this command in your terminal. The -g parameter is to install them globally so can use it in every project.

$ npm install -g yo @pixel2html/generator-frontend

Running the generator

To generate the Pixel2HTML Boilerplate go to your project folder and run this command in your shell

$ cd ~/your/project/folder
$ yo @pixel2html/frontend

The Pixel2HTML Boilerplate will ask you questions about this points. Answering with the desired options will generate the code.

  • Project Name?
  • Quantity of screens?
  • Markup Language? Options: HTML / Pug
  • Frontend Framework Options: None / Bootstrap 3.*/ Bootstrap 4 Beta / Foundation
  • jQuery? Options: true / false

There are also two more way to generate your files, you can find the instructions in the Wiki

Installing dependencies & running up

To work, the Pixel2HTML Boilerplate needs to install some dependencies to run the options you select. For this job, run this command in your shell

$ npm run start

Generated file structure

This boilerplate will create a set of files and folders

├──  dist/
├──  gulp/
├──  src/
│    └──  assets/
│    │    ├──  fonts/
│    │    ├──  icons/
│    │    ├──  images/
│    │    ├──  js/
│    │    ├──  styles/
│    │    │    ├──  components/
│    │    │    │    ├──  _buttons.scss
│    │    │    │    ├──  _forms.scss
│    │    │    │    └──  _nav.scss
│    │    │    ├──  screens/
│    │    │    │    ├──  _base.scss
│    │    │    │    └──  screen_*.scss
│    │    │    ├── _mixins.scss
│    │    │    ├── _reset.scss
│    │    │    ├── _variables.scss
│    │    │    ├── main.scss
│    │    │    └── vendor.scss
│    └──  screen_*.[html|pug]
├──  .editorcofig
├──  .gitattributes
├──  .gitignore
├──  .project.conf
├──  gulpfile.js
├──  package.json

How to work with script files

We are using WebpackJS to bundle our script files. There's also ES6 on-demand transpilation and polyfills.

Learn more about Javascript Modules here Wes Bos Article About Modules


import $ from 'jquery'
import 'bootstrap-sass'

We also included the amazing webpack-bundle-analyzer you can fine tweak you JS bundle size if you wish to. Fire it up running this command:

$ npm run debug

Available script commands.

Start to code.

  • $ npm run code

Build the project

  • $ npm run build

Available Gulp Commands


  • $ gulp clean Clean /dist directory

Static Files

  • $ gulp main:static Compile static files (images, icons)
  • $ gulp main:images Move images
  • $ gulp main:icons Move icons

Fonts Files

  • $ gulp main:fonts Move project fonts
  • $ gulp vendor:fonts Move vendors fonts


  • $ gulp main:scripts Concat, uglify and move project JS files
  • $ gulp vendor:scripts Concat, uglify and move vendors JS files


  • $ gulp main:styles Compile, concat, autoprefix and move [SCSS, Less, Stylus] project files
  • $ gulp vendor:styles Compile, concat, autoprefix and move [SCSS, Less, Stylus] vendor files


  • $ gulp build Execute all the gulp directives and makes a .zip file with the latest code.
  • $ gulp release Execute all the gulp directives and makes a .zip file with the latest code.
  • $ gulp release --prod Execute all the gulp directives, prepare assets to production and makes a .zip file with the latest code.