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This repository contains a demo project that illustrates the interaction between Flask and Express servers, along with using WebSocket. The project aims to provide a practical example of how to configure and use these popular frameworks for creating web applications and real-time communication.


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Project Architecture

File: This is the main Flask server code that will be listening on the port 5000.

Server in Express (Express Server):

File: express-sever.js This is the main code for your Express server, running on port 5600. The WebSocket code on port 5800 has been included in the same File for ease of understanding. However, it is recommended to separate these functionalities into separate Files in the future.

HTML Pages:

Files: index.html and page2.html These are the HTML Files that are rendered by Flask.

  • index.html: This is the home page HTML File which contains a title and a subtitle. It also includes a JavaScript script, index.js, located in the Scripts folder, which handles WebSocket.
  • page2.html: This is the HTML File of page 2 that displays information received as parameters.

Client JavaScript:

File: index.js This is the JavaScript File for the index.html page that runs on the client to handle the WebSocket and redirection to page2.html.

Request Code via POST:

File: This is the Python code to make a POST request to the Express server

Definition of routes

Route to Homepage:

We define a route to the home page that renders the index.html template.

Route to Get Employees:

We define a route that returns a JSON containing employee information.

Dynamic Route for Employee Age:

We define a route that takes an age parameter and returns employees older than the given value.

Dynamic Route to Employee Information:

We define a route that takes name and age parameters and returns the employees with the corresponding information.

Route to Receive Data via POST:

We define a route that receives data via POST and prints the information on the server. The route returns a JSON response.

Route to Page 2:

We define a route that renders page2.html, passing information as parameters.

Running the project

  1. Clone this repository with the following command:
git clone
  1. Start the Flask server
  1. Start the Express server
node express-sever.js
  1. Make the posts, POST, on both servers:


This repository contains a demo project that illustrates the interaction between Flask and Express servers, along with using WebSocket. The project aims to provide a practical example of how to configure and use these popular frameworks for creating web applications and real-time communication.






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