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Releases: PedroHenriques/Web_Bundler_Minimizer

Version 3.1.1

05 Sep 21:09
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  • Updated the intro and outro messages
  • Renamed the batch file

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug that was preventing the program from correctly searching SCSS and SASS entry point files for their imports

Version 3.1.0

02 Jun 23:48
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  • Added support for ES6 compiled TypeScript files, which can have the imported modules stored in a const or a let besides the ES5 default of var
  • Added support for ES6 "template literal" strings
  • Changed the module import rules from using TypeScript's rules to using NodeJS's rules. This allows for better support when handling external dependencies

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the following bugs in the code that creates the *.combined.js file:

    1. When using variables or functions that are exported by that module in an operation other than assignments and some logical comparisons, the exports. wasn't being analyzed and processed being left in the *.combined.js file
    2. When importing a module's default export, the references to the variable where that import was being stored weren't being replaced by the name of the imported property. Instead a call to default( was being left in their place
    3. When handling the use of variables that are being exported by that module in the global scope, the first time each variable is used the exports. has to be replaced with a var since it is there that it is being declared

Version 3.0.0

29 May 09:57
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  • Added support for SASS, SCSS and TypeScript files
  • Added the options ts, scss and sass to the watch and ignore rules relating to the handling of TypeScript, SCSS and SASS files respectively
  • Added support for multiple files with the same basename
  • Discontinued the watch and ignore list .txt files and introduced a bundler.config.json file
  • The program no longer automatically minimizes the output files, since during development it makes debugging less convenient
    This feature is now controlled by the user through a command line flag and the configuration file
  • Added support for tagging parts of a file's content that shouldn't be added to an output file
  • Improved the handling of the command line interface --> added more commands and support for flags
  • The output files built by joining multiple files, previously named joined.min.* are now named bundle.*
  • Each output file now has an auxiliary .json file containing information about which files were used to build that output file and whether it is minimized or not
  • Removed the functionality where, if a path for an output file wasn't provided, the program would follow a set of rules to decide where to store it
    Now an out path is required for each watch rule, where all output files produced by that rule will be stored

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that was causing, under certain conditions, some whitespaces to be removed from inside a regex pattern
    This fix required the introduction of an assumption made by the program, explained in the file under the section Important Assumption made by the Program


  • Overall code optimizations and clean up