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Simple tool for documenting Svelte components via P23.


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Simple tool for documenting Svelte components via P23.

Made to be Plundered

Do whatever as long as you adhere to the permissive MIT license found within.


parse(options = {})

Given the component:


  This comment is not parsed by P24. If a comment doesn't start with 'P24'
  (case insensitive) then it's just a normal comment.

  Some node path segments have concise aliases:
  - m: module
  - p: prop
  - s: slot
  - c: context
  - ctx: context
  - d: default
  Name is inferred from the file name but may be specified as below.

<! ArticleListItem -->

  To be slotted into either an `ArticleList` or `ArticleGrid` component. It
  presents summary information about the article and a preview image.
  clicking the component will take the user to the full article.

<script context="module">
  import { base } from '$app/paths'

  // Resolves a relative URL path to a full URL path by prepending the
  // application root path.
  export const toFullPath = (relPath) => {
    return `${base}/${relPath}`

  import { setContext } from 'svelte'

  //P24.prop.let.title: Title of the article.
  export let title

  // Name of the person or people who wrote the article.
  export let author

  // URL to the full article.
  export let link

  // Date the article was published or falsy value if not yet published.
  //P24.default.p.let.published: null 
  export let published = null

  // URL of the preview image or falsy value to use the stock image.
  // You may used the named slot 'image' if custom HTML is needed.
  //P24.d.p.let.image: null
  export let image = null

    All details about the article including whether slotted image and summary
    were provided.
  setContext('article-list-item', {
    isPublished: !!published,
    hasImageSlot: $$slots.image,
    hasSummary: $$slots.default,


  {#if $$slots.image}
      Alternative to using the 'image' property if custom HTML is needed to
      present the article preview thumbnail.
    <slot name="image" />
  {:else if image}
    <img src={image} />
    <img src="/images/stock-article-preview-image.jpg" />

  <!--P24.s.default: Short description of the article. -->
  <slot />

When parsed with:

import p24 from 'p24'

const fileDocs = p24.parse()

Then fileDocs will be something like:

    name: "ArticlePreview.svelte",
    relPath: "./src/lib/ArticlePreview.svelte",
    absPath: "/home/esmerelda/github/my-project/src/lib/ArticlePreview.svelte",
    nodes: {
      name: "ArticleListItem",
      descriptions: `To be slotted into either an \`ArticleList\` or \`ArticleGrid\` component. It
presents summary information about the article and a preview image.
clicking the component will take the user to the full article.`,
      module: {
        const: {
          toFullPath: `Resolves a relative URL path to a full URL path by prepending the
application root path.`
      props: {
        let: {
          title: "Title of the article.",
          author: "Name of the person or people who wrote the article.",
          link: "URL to the full article.",
          published: "Date the article was published or falsy value if not yet published."
          image: `URL of the preview image or falsy value to use the stock image.
You may used the named slot 'image' if custom HTML is needed.`
      context: {
        'article-list-item': `All details about the article including whether slotted image and summary
were provided.`
      slots: {
        image: `Alternative to using the 'image' property if custom HTML is needed to
present the article preview image.`,
        default: "Short description of the article."


Defaults noted as field values. For information on glob and glob options see NPM glob package (Github).

import p24 from 'p24'

  // Custom prefix for nodes.
  // You could use "@" to parse "//@name: value" for example.
  prefix: "p24.",

  // For SvelteKit packaged libraries you would use
  // "dist/*.svelte" or some variation of it.
  glob: "**/*.svelte",
  globOptions: {}

renderReadme(options = {})

Parses the documentation then compiles a README from a template with the documentation.

By default, a template README file called is read, placeholder text {{PLACEHOLDER}} is swapped out for the rendered documentation, before finally writing the whole thing to

Example output for a single component:

### `<Form>`

Primary component in which fields are slotted into.
$restProps are passed to the form element (outer component element).

  // Store containing fields referenced by their input names.
  export const fields = writable({})

  // Store containing values referenced by their input names.
  export const values = writable({})

  // Store containing error messages referenced by their input names.
  // An empty string represents either no error or unvalidated.
  export const errors = writable({})

  // Store containing the passed form level properties.
  // $form = {
  //   id,
  //   validate,
  //   submit,
  // }
  export const form = writable({})

  // Element id of the form.
  export let id /* = Randomly assigned ID. */

  // Function for validating all fields. It accepts a field name to value
  // object and must return a field name to errors object.
  export let validate = null

  // Function for submitting the form. It accepts a field name to value
  // object.
  export let submit = null

  // See fields property.
  setContext('p17-fields', ...)

  // See values property.
  setContext('p17-values', ...)

  // See errors property.
  setContext('p17-errors', ...)

  // See form property.
  setContext('p17-form', ...)

<!-- Form fields, buttons, and anything else you fancy. -->
<slot />

  id={/* = Randomly assigned ID. */}
  <template />


Defaults noted as field values.

For information on glob and glob options see NPM glob package (Github).

import p24 from 'p24'

  // Custom prefix for nodes.
  // You could use "@" to parse "//@name: value" for example.
  prefix: "p24.",

  // For SvelteKit packaged libraries you would use
  // "dist/*.svelte" or some variation of it.
  glob: "**/*.svelte",
  globOptions: {}

  // The name of the README template file.
  template: './',

  // The output file name.
  output: './',

  // The placeholder text in the template to swap for the parsed and rendered
  // documentation. 
  placeholder: '{{PLACEHOLDER}}',


This functionality is also available in CLI form allowing commands such as:

npx p24

And package.json scripts:

  "scripts": {
    "docs": "p24"

With most arguments available:

npx p24 \
  --prefix "p24." \
  --glob "**/*.svelte" \
  --template "" \
  --output "" \
  --placeholder "{{PLACEHOLDER}}"


npx p24 \
  -p "p24." \
  -g "**/*.svelte" \
  -t "" \
  -o "" \
  -s "{{PLACEHOLDER}}"

Back Story

I simply wanted to document a component's API within itself and regenerate that documentation in a form I please, particularly within a README. To clarify, I want to document the interface (API) to the component by documenting its single implementation. Ths includes details such as: name, description, module & instance properties, slots, set context, and defaults where applicable.

A few documentation tools come close but none completely satisfy my need for simplicity, readability, flexibility, ability to document all mentioned aspects of the API. Furthermore, existing tools traded-off too much flexibility for conciseness. So I set about creating P24. In the process I was able to separate the concern of parsing annotated comments into P23.

Fore Story

There's plenty of room for improvement for a version 2. Here's a few ideas:

Remove some or all of the one letter aliases. It was an attempt at conciseness that ruins readability when applied.

Use the elegant @ tag syntax from JS Doc to specify defaults for props and slots:

// Text shown on the button.
// @default "Submit"

Use the @ tag syntax for specifying all parts of the documentation:

// @prop
// @let
// @name label
// @default "Submit"
// Text shown on the button.

The above is too verbose but we can play with it. For example:

// @prop.let: label
// @default "Submit"
// Text shown on the button.

Or possibly (requiring a breaking change to P23):

// @prop.let.label = "Submit"
// Text shown on the button.

We are not constrained by historical standard character usage either. For example, this is also possible but not pleasant:

//@: label
// $prop
// $$let
// &"Submit"
// Text shown on the button.


Simple tool for documenting Svelte components via P23.








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