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Advanced DoS Exploiting Framework

FireLemon Logo

FireLemon is an Advanced DoS Tool Powered by Python's most Powerful Frameworks such as Scapy, Requests, Socket and PySocks.

FireLemon Logo

FireLemon🍋 is meant to be Lemonade Version 2 but released as a new tool called FireLemon. Why it's called FireLemon? Bcause it's FIRE! 🔥

This new tool powered by Python's most powerful Frameworks such as:

⚡This DDoS Script supports:

  • Layer 3
  • Layer 4
  • Layer 7


first of all we're gonna clone this repository to our Machine

git clone

after that we change our directory to cloned repository

cd FireLemon

alr now we install the required libraries using this command

pip install -r requirements.txt


python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

than we simply run FireLemon Python file to run FireLemon





FireLemon Logo

if you want to start an Attack Faster, You can use FireLemon is CLI Version called FireRain:

python -h


python3 -h

to use FireRain 2 parameters are required!

  1. First required parameter is the attack method that can be used parsed --SCRIPT or --S:
  2. Second required parameter is the Target of the attack, IP or URL(with https:// or http://)

For Example:

python --SCRIPT http_flood --TARGET


python3 --SCRIPT http_flood --TARGET

in this example we're running and http flood attack against

also there are sleep time (--SLEEPTIME, --S) argument to define sleep time(Deafult is 1 second) and number of threads (--THREADS, --T) argument to define number of threads(Deafult is 5)!


you can run below commands in program Terminal:

Commands Usage
options Shows available options
attacks Shows all attack methods and protocls
attack Launchs an attack
debug Turning Debig mode ON and OFF(in Beta Stage right now!)
exit Exits the program


With running attack command in program Terminal you can Select 5 layers of attacks with their own functions:

Layers Protocols Usage
layer 3 ARP, BGP, ICMP
layer 4 TCP, UDP, SMP
layer 7 HTTP, FTP, Memcache


Protocols Description Layer
ARP Layer 3
BGP Layer 3
ICMP Layer 3
TCP Layer 4
UDP Layer 4
SMP Layer 4
HTTP Layer 7
FTP Layer 7

⚔️Attack Methods

Attacks Dscription Layer
IP flood Layer 3
LemonSqueezy Layer 3
Ping of death/ICMP Layer 3
SYN Flood Layer 4
UDP flood Layer 4
TCP flood Layer 4
BGP flood Layer 4
Minecraft Layer 4
Reflection Layer 5
HTTP flood Layer 7
Cookie stuffing Layer 7
Memcache Layer 7

😶‍🌫️Anonymize Attacks

Coming soon!

📜Terms of use and Responsiblities

  1. Remember with Great Power, Comes great Responsibility.

  2. Don not attampt to attack Education, medical, Government websites and Infrastructure communications.

  3. please do not copy this product without mentioning the creator

  4. you are not allowed to sell this product to anyone.

  5. you are not allowed to copy this product's name.

  6. you're repsonsible for your actions using this tool keep that in mind the author of this repository is not responsible for any damages using this tool.

Please read full Terms of use and Accept them before using this tool!


This repository's Author is not resposible for what you're about to do with this script, This script made for Educational purposes only!


all files are Licensed under MIT License

⚒️Powered by Tengu

still in development👀

if you have any questions or issues or even ideas dm me in discord.

made with 🍋❤️ by Pastlecry :)

Rainbow GIF