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HTTP Logstash input filebeat emulator

This is a crude solution for sending log file content to a Logstash instance that is set up to listen using the http input plugin.

The idea is to run a process provided by this package in a cron task (say, every five minutes). This process will then read log files from a saved pointer to the latest message, and send all of its lines separately with some configurable added context data.

All logged data should be valid JSON for this to work.

Change log

View the changelog.


This is a CRUDE approach, and should only be considered for cases where:

  • Ancient software is used;
  • Servers have no root access (and so cannot have filebeat installed);

Usage and Configuration

It is recommended to run log processing through a cronjob that is guaranteed not to overlap. Within that process, you can easily create and use a processor like so:

use PXLWidgets\FilebeatEmulator\Config\Config;
use PXLWidgets\FilebeatEmulator\Config\SourceConfig;
use PXLWidgets\FilebeatEmulator\Config\ProcessConfig;
use PXLWidgets\FilebeatEmulator\Config\TargetConfig;
use PXLWidgets\FilebeatEmulator\Process\LogProcessorFactory;

// Provide log paths using glob wildcard patterns to define which logs should be processed.
$logPaths   = ['/home/some/path/log-*.txt', '/other/path/*.log'];
// Determine where the processing status file should be stored.
// This file marks up to where the log was previously processed successfully.
$statusPath = '/home/tmp/status.txt'; 

// The ElasticSearch index that should be used (added under root 'index' key).
$index = 'your-project-acceptance';

// The name for the environment in which your application runs.
$environment = 'acceptance';

// A friendly name for your application (added under root 'application' key).
$application = 'My testing application';

// Any extra data that will be added to all log records sent. This will not overwrite values for keys that are set explicitly.
$extra = [
    'your-key' => 'your value',

// The URI where you want to send the log entries to.
$host = 'localhost:5000';

// The (Basic Auth) user and password that you want to use.
$user     = null;
$password = null;

// Headers to send along with the curl call. For example, if you're going to send JSON data, set the correct Content-Type:
$headers = [
    'Content-Type' => 'application/json',

$config = new Config(
    new SourceConfig($logPaths, $statusPath),
    new TargetConfig($host, $user, $password, $headers),
    new ProcessConfig($index, $environment, $application, $extra) 

$processor = (new LogProcessorFactory())->make($config);


This is the simplest setup, that requires no framework whatever. You are encouraged to use environment variables and framework DI-solutions where available.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


Legacy filebeat emulator for PHP log file processing








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