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Scalable Angular Project

A highly scalable Angular project structure built for short-term clarity of implmenation with the goal of structural longevity dervied from the Angular Style Guide.

"Structure the app such that you can locate code quickly"

"Have a near-term view of implementation and a long-term vision"

|-- app
    |-- modules
        |-- main
            |-- [+] components
            |-- [+] pages
            |-- main-routing.module.ts
            |-- main.component.ts|html|scss|spec
            |-- main.module.ts
    |-- core
        |-- [+] authentication
        |-- [+] guards
        |-- [+] http
        |-- [+] interceptors
        |-- [+] services
        |-- core.module.ts
    |-- shared
        |-- [+] components
        |-- [+] directives
        |-- [+] pipes
        |-- [+] models
|-- assets
    |-- scss
        |-- [+] core
        |-- core.scss


Each module should contain a base component (similar to app.module) to be used as the layout/entry-point into the module. Additional pages and components are also declared within each module if neccessary.

|-- modules
    |-- main
        |-- components
            |-- [+] footer
            |-- [+] sidebar
            |-- [+] toolbar
            |-- ...
        |-- pages
            |-- main-page
                |-- main-page.component.ts|html|scss|spec
        |-- main.component.ts|html|scss|spec
        |-- main-routing.module.ts
        |-- main.module.ts

This structure allows for modular routing whereby each module defines its own routing logic:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { Routes, RouterModule } from '@angular/router';

// The layout/entry-point to the module
import { MainComponent } from './main.component'; 

// Page-component imports...

const routes: Routes = [
    path: '',
    component: MainComponent,
    children: [
      // Child page-components

  imports: [RouterModule.forChild(routes)],
  exports: [RouterModule]
export class DashboardRoutingModule { }

Core Module

The CoreModule takes on the role of the root AppModule however it is not the module which gets bootstrapped by Angular at run-time. The CoreModule should only contain singleton services, universal components, and other features that require only a single instance per application. This is enforced further by an import guard (ensureModuleLoadedOnceGuard.ts).

|-- core
    |-- [+] authentication
    |-- [+] guards
    |-- [+] http
    |-- [+] interceptors
    |-- [+] services
    |-- core.module.ts
    |-- ensureModuleLoadedOnceGuard.ts

Shared Module

The SharedModule contains any shared components, services, etc. The SharedModule can be imported in any other module when those items will be re-used. When contriburting to the module, each contributed item should not have any dependency to the rest of the application.

|-- shared
    |-- [+] components
    |-- [+] directives
    |-- [+] models
    |-- [+] pipes


The global styles for the project are placed in a scss folder under assets.

|-- scss
    |-- [+] core
        |-- [+] mixins
        |-- [+] variables
        |-- ...
    |-- core.scss

All scss partials are placed within the core folder, with additional structure to support custom material theming, global varibles, and mixins.



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