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Alexis Resendiz Andrade edited this page Mar 10, 2015 · 2 revisions


This is the collection of ant tasks developed for creating and managing WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile instances and to control operations over the server (e.g. deploy/undeploy an application).


There are two kinds of tasks:

  • Tasks for creating and managing server instances
Task Description
install-liberty Used for installation of the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile in online/offline mode
install-feature Installs a feature packaged as a Subsystem Archive (ESA file) to the Liberty runtime.
server A task to create and manage a server instance (e.g. create, start, stop)
  • Tasks to perform operations over the server
Task Description
deploy Support for deploying a valid application to the server
undeploy Support for undeploying an application from the server
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