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This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 21, 2022. It is now read-only.

Releases: OpenFn/language-dhis2


17 Feb 08:28
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18eaf3b patch version bump
7fed9f3 bundle qs


17 Feb 08:00
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8e3cbe7 patch version bump


30 Jan 23:02
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14fef2e patch version bump
a4a3935 use 'repeat' serialization for params
45327de Merge pull request #56 from OpenFn/55-undefined-log-message
65cefea Always log the content of data which has all the import summaries
fa89138 details for create
dc37c71 Check if result.headers.location exist and display it otherwise avoid it, #55


24 Jan 11:59
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f94094f patch version bump
dbbf584 export dateFns
a677e9e update to language-common@v1.6.2


24 Dec 18:38
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f49baf3 major version bump
89c2e07 Merge pull request #52 from OpenFn/48-upsert
d3fe349 Add more unit test for upsert
1847714 selectId for picking out path, upsert
dc7e25c update docs for upsert
e063fb9 options to get and toothy functions
bce9fa3 add upsert test 1/3
a65fcee Adjust doc
d58d43b Implement upsert
9acd3e3 more tests around get
beac452 added more integration tests for get, helps with #48"
773e012 remove old circle config
81a9cb3 Merge pull request #51 from OpenFn/circleci-project-setup
8b2dd5a Add .circleci/config.yml
a9f2f19 use circle, not travis
0911612 update readme
56f7b54 Merge pull request #50 from OpenFn/49-integration-tests-guide
4a21fd1 update readme and docs
46d9904 proseWrap for prettier
5790011 dhis 2 to dhis2
ada129b Dont't mess create with update
b33bed7 Add explanations on how to make integration tests work
b16b7bf Add big enough timeout to allow integration tests be successfull in low connectivity, fix missing programs, organisationUnits and enrollements


22 Dec 14:58
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4be696f prerelease version bump
6b6aaea Merge pull request #47 from OpenFn/new_pattern_for_helpers
0a2f26f run build
9305867 migrate patch and destroy
217c1b9 build and fix param log in client
60eec59 update travis
8f1bbe8 standardize and remove custom URL param builder


22 Dec 06:14
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62b4e24 prerelease version bump
775ea29 add dv, update docs


21 Dec 23:48
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14c7dc8 prerelease version bump
220dee8 tests, interceptor, remove upsert
446f881 update GET, add tests
69a49b8 fix capitalization on tests
d04924e Merge branch 'new_pattern_for_helpers' of into new_pattern_for_helpers
e9c3cfa Merge branch 'new_pattern_for_helpers' of into new_pattern_for_helpers
7ec7508 Integration tests - part 1


18 Dec 14:43
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v3.0.0-0 Pre-release

This pre-release introduces a new pattern for the dhis2 adaptor that's much more generic and flexible. It provides create, update, get, and upsert functions and handles payload nesting for multiple records (create can take a single item or an array of items) and authentication behind the scenes.

60cd5f1 premajor version bump
7ddd4ac add docs for attribute and update attrVal
531419e new pattern
d8c4bc3 Remove console.log(state) from integration tests
8c9a758 don't console log the whole error to not expose auth
e554c07 small language changes to readme
9174a48 update README from earlier branch
1473668 Refactor and test: create, update, get and upsert
af61680 Merge pull request #42 from OpenFn/39-response-type-is-not-defined
f67104b Refactor redundant
58cfde8 Fix responseType is not defined
95e9696 Merge pull request #41 from OpenFn/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/axios-0.21.2
5941006 Bump axios from 0.21.1 to 0.21.2


15 Sep 16:41
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c0f5083 patch version bump
387fb23 more specific proposal for tei attribue search