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Peter Thor edited this page Jun 5, 2018 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the official API for the Omnideck 360 degree motorized treadmill.

Game examples

Here are two games with native support for the Omnideck:

Take and Hold

Blast Doors

Getting started with the API

To get started with the API please read through the PDF which can be found in the root of the project. Also look at the two example Unity scenes and study the code. You will notice that the interface is separated from the actual character movement implementation. It is up to you to adapt the data coming from the interface to suit your collision detection system.

If you have any questions dont hesitate to shoot an email (visit or file a support ticket.

How does the Omnideck treadmill work?

When the user is walking on the motorised treadmill they are always being pushed back toward the center. The treadmill responds dynamically to the user and adapts its speed accordingly.

Why is the user being pushed back to the middle when they stop? It looks so weird...

This is to allow for the user to take her next step. While the users body is being pushed back, the in-game position of the character - as experienced inside the headset - is not pushed back at all, it is static.

How does character movement work in the game?

Our algorithms communicate data via our API to the game. The character movement is based on an analogue movement vector (Unit: [m/s]) that maps the physical movement of the user 1-to-1 with the virtual movement in the game. The Omnideck is not a WASD emulator.