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Simply result is a Result and Option monad library for typescript and javascript. Its more than 100 times faster than try-catch with a total package size of ~700b minified and gzipped.

See also the sister library simply-result-util for useful monadic helper functions such as Try, transpose, and flatten.

import { Result, Ok } from 'simply-result';

const doSomeWork = (): Result<number, Error> => Ok(3);

const fraction = doSomeWork()
  .mapErr(err => console.error(err))
  .filter(it => it !== 0)
  .map(it => (1 / it).toPrecision(3))

console.log(fraction); // '0.333'



npm i simply-result

import {
    Result, Ok, Err,
    Option, Some, None,
} from 'simply-result';


See ./demo

Type Docs


type Result<V, E = Error> =
  | Ok<V>
  | Err<E>

interface Ok<V> {
  isOk: true
  isErr: false
  ok: V
  match<T>(cases: {
    Ok: (ok: V) => T
  }): T
  intoOption(): Some<V>
  intoErrOption(): None
  map<T>(fn: (ok: V) => T): Ok<T>
  mapErr(fn: unknown): Ok<V>
  andThen<T>(fn: (ok: V) => T): T
  elseThen(fn: unknown): Ok<V>
  unwrapOr(ok: unknown): V
  unwrapElse(fn: unknown): V
  toString(): string

interface Err<E> {
  isOk: false
  isErr: true
  err: E
  match<T>(cases: {
    Err: (err: E) => T
  }): T
  intoOption(): None
  intoErrOption(): Some<E>
  map(fn: unknown): Err<E>
  mapErr<F>(fn: (err: E) => F): Err<F>
  andThen(fn: unknown): Err<E>
  elseThen<T>(fn: (err: E) => T): T
  unwrapOr<T>(ok: T): T
  unwrapElse<T>(fn: () => T): T
  toString(): string

function Ok<V>(value: V): Ok<V>

function Err<E>(error: E): Err<E>


type Option<V> =
  | Some<V>
  | None

interface Some<V> {
  isSome: true
  isNone: false
  some: V
  match<T>(cases: {
    Some: (some: V) => T
  }): T
  intoResult(error: unknown): Ok<V>
  map<T>(fn: (some: V) => T): Some<T>
  filter(fn: (some: V) => boolean): Option<V>
  andThen<T>(fn: (some: V) => T): T
  elseThen(fn: unknown): Some<V>
  unwrapOr(some: unknown): V
  unwrapElse(fn: unknown): V
  toString(): string

interface None {
  isSome: false
  isNone: true
  match<T>(cases: {
    None: () => T
  }): T
  intoResult<E>(error: E): Err<E>
  map(fn: unknown): None
  filter(fn: unknown): None
  andThen(fn: unknown): None
  elseThen<T>(fn: () => T): T
  unwrapOr<T>(some: T): T
  unwrapElse<T>(fn: () => T): T
  toString(): string

function Some<V>(value: V): Some<V>

const None: None


Code Result
Result Err(new Error()).elseThen(err => { err.message }) 123,901,767 ops/sec ±0.15% (100 runs sampled)
Try Catch try { throw new Error() } catch (err) { err.message } 1,125,735 ops/sec ±0.29% (67 runs sampled)
Baseline new Error().message 1,027,606,577 ops/sec ±0.10% (101 runs sampled)

All performance tests use the same Error object which is created before testing as to minimize the impact of creating an error object on the measurements. Tests were ran on a 32gb MacBook M1 Pro running macOS 14.3. The test code can be found here.

(1/5) baseline  x 1,026,512,662 ops/sec ±0.13% (102 runs sampled)
(2/5) baseline  x 1,025,374,916 ops/sec ±0.46% (94  runs sampled)
(3/5) baseline  x 1,027,606,577 ops/sec ±0.10% (101 runs sampled)
(4/5) baseline  x 1,027,408,614 ops/sec ±0.11% (100 runs sampled)
(5/5) baseline  x 1,027,220,720 ops/sec ±0.15% (101 runs sampled)
(1/5) Result    x   123,762,745 ops/sec ±0.21% (101 runs sampled)
(2/5) Result    x   123,725,903 ops/sec ±0.20% (100 runs sampled)
(3/5) Result    x   123,690,424 ops/sec ±0.21% (99  runs sampled)
(4/5) Result    x   123,901,767 ops/sec ±0.15% (100 runs sampled)
(5/5) Result    x   123,781,206 ops/sec ±0.25% (100 runs sampled)
(1/5) try catch x     1,108,408 ops/sec ±0.34% (59  runs sampled)
(2/5) try catch x     1,122,301 ops/sec ±0.37% (66  runs sampled)
(3/5) try catch x     1,124,218 ops/sec ±0.37% (67  runs sampled)
(4/5) try catch x     1,125,735 ops/sec ±0.29% (67  runs sampled)
(5/5) try catch x     1,116,800 ops/sec ±0.39% (67  runs sampled)