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The API server for Okuna.

Table of contents


Project overview

The project is a Django application.


There are many different ways to contribute to the website development, just find the one that best fits with your skills and open an issue/pull request in the repository.

Examples of contributions we love include:

  • Code patches
  • Bug reports
  • Patch reviews
  • Translations
  • UI enhancements

Code of Conduct

Please read and follow our Code of Conduct.


Every contribution accepted is licensed under MIT or any later version. You must be careful to not include any code that can not be licensed under this license.

Please read carefully our license and ask us if you have any questions.

Responsible disclosure

Cyber-hero? Check out our Vulnerability Disclosure page.

Other issues

We're available almost 24/7 in the Okuna slack channel. Join us!

Git commit message conventions

Help us keep the repository history consistent 🙏!

We use gitmoji as our git message convention.

If you're using git in your command line, you can download the handy tool gitmoji-cli.

Getting started

Clone the repository

Run the following in your command line

git clone && cd okuna-api

Meet the Okuna CLI

The Okuna CLI is built to run a development instance of Okuna loaded with some test data, with a single command.

Okuna CLI Operational Modes

You can use the CLI in two modes.

  1. Full mode - Best for Okuna mobile/web app development
  2. Services-only mode - Best for Okuna API development

Depending on the kind of development you would like to do, follow the instructions below for your chosen mode.

Full mode

Best for Mobile/web app development

This mode brings a whole Okuna instance up, ready to use with a local Okuna mobile/web app.


Make sure the following are installed

Install the Okuna CLI python packages

pip install -r requirements-cli-only.txt

Available commands


Starts Okuna

Run the following in your terminal

python up-full

🥳 Congrats, you should now have both the whole of Okuna running on port 80.


Shuts Okuna down

When existing the command that starts Okuna by pressing CTRL + C / CMD + C, Okuna will also be stopped.

If the process was abruptly terminated and Okuna is still running in the background you can also run

python down-full

Services-only mode

Best for API development

The Okuna services are a SQL server, a Redis server, a job scheduler server and a job worker server.

This mode brings these services up but not the Okuna API itself, you are to run the API locally instead for a better development experience.


Make sure the following are installed

Install the Okuna python packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

Make the executable

chmod ./utils/scripts/ +x

Available commands


Starts the Okuna services

Run the following in your terminal

python up-services-only

Stops the Okuna services

When existing the command that starts Okuna by pressing CTRL + C / CMD + C, Okuna will also be stopped.

If the process was abruptly terminated and Okuna is still running in the background you can also run

python down-services-only

Running the Okuna API server locally

Once the Okuna services are up (using the up-services-only command), start the Okuna API locally by running

python runserver

This will start the API server on localhost:8000.

If you would like to expose the server on your network, for example, for testing the API server on your mobile device connected to the same network, run the following instead.

python runserver

🥳 Congrats, you should now have both the Okuna services and the Okuna API running in sync.

Available test data

Within the provisioned Okuna development instance, you will find some test accounts and respective posts/communities.

The credentials for these accounts are the following.


Other Okuna CLI commands


** Cleans everything related to the Okuna CLI**

This will dispose of the employed database and generated config files.

Use this if you want to get a fresh version of Okuna next time you use the Okuna CLI up commands.

python clean

Okuna CLI behind the scenes

This section will try to demistify what the Okuna CLI does.


Behind the scenes, the Okuna CLI uses docker-compose to spawn and coordinate the following docker services.

  • webserver - A server running the Okuna API
  • db - A server with a MariaDB database
  • redis - A server with a Redis database
  • scheduler - A server responsible for running the scheduled Okuna jobs such as curating Explore/Top posts.
  • worker - A server responsible for processing the Okuna jobs such as publishing a post or curating posts.

On services-only mode, the webserver is not spawned.

Environment files

When starting okuna-cli for the first time, 3 files will be generated

  • .okuna-cli.json - Contains a flag indicating whether the Okuna instance was bootstrapped and the secret keys employed to kickstart all other services
  • .env - The environment file used when running the Okuna CLI in services-only mode.
  • .docker-compose.env - The environment file used in all Okuna docker compose services

Available Django commands

A list of official and custom django commands that might come handy.

If running the API locally you can execute them as

python $command

If running the API with the Okuna CLI full mode, you can execute them by connecting to the webserver machine by running

docker-compose -f docker-compose-full.yml exec webserver "/bin/bash"

Inside the machine you can then execute the commands as

python $command

Official Django commands migrate

Run the database migrations

python migrate collectmedia

Collect the media fixtures

python collectmedia loaddata

Load the given data fixture file into the database

python loaddata circles.json emoji-groups.json emojis.json badges.json categories.json languages.json

Custom django commands create_invite

Creates a user invite and outputs its token. Required for creating a new account.

usage: create_invite [-h] [--email EMAIL] [--username USERNAME] [--name NAME] [--badge BADGE] import_invites

Imports user invites from a kickstarter/indiegogo csv

usage: import_invites [-h] [--indiegogo PATH_TO_CSV] [--kickstarter PATH_TO_CSV] reset_invite_email_boolean

Resets invite_email_sent boolean for un-used invites created in the last --days

usage: reset_invite_email_boolean [-h] [--days DAYS] send_invites

Send invite emails to all user invites who have not been sent the email.

usage: send_invites [-h] allocate_invites

Assign user invites to all or specific users.

usage: allocate_invites [-h] [--count INCREMENT_INVITES_BY_COUNT --limit [INVITE_COUNT_UPPER_LIMIT]] [--total TOTAL_INVITE_COUNT_TO_SET] [--username USERNAME]

*--limit works only with --count create_post_media_thumbnails

Creates media_thumbnail, media_height and media_width for items which don't have it using the Post -> PostMedia relationship.

The command was created as a one off migration tool.

usage: create_post_media_thumbnails migrate_post_images

Migrates Post -> PostImage to Post -> PostMedia -> PostImage.

The command was created as a one off migration tool. import_proxy_blacklisted_domains

Import a list of domains to be blacklisted when calling the ProxyAuth and ProxyDomainCheck APIs.

usage: import_proxy_blacklisted_domains [--file The path to the file with the domains to import]
python import_proxy_blacklisted_domains --file ./openbook_common/misc/domain_blacklists/porn/domains flush_proxy_blacklisted_domains

Flush all of the blacklisted proxy domains

usage: flush_proxy_blacklisted_domains worker_health_check

A a Django management command available for checking the worker health:

Each queue has a required configurable treshold. These are configured in the Django settings. The FAILED_JOB_THRESHOLD is the maximum amount of failed jobs that are allowed, before an alert is sent using the openbook_common.helpers.send_alert_to_channel command, which sends an alert to a monitoring channel on i.e. Slack. Using the ALERT_HOOK_URL option in the Django settings file, it is possible to add the Slack hook URL.

Other thresholds that are included are ACTIVE_JOB_THRESHOLD and ACTIVE_WORKER_THRESHOLD. Just as with the limit on failed jobs, there is an active job and worker limit too.

In openbook_common.utils.rq_helpers there is also a FailedRQJobs class, which has a function for removing failed jobs from the queue.

It is recommended to schedule the worker monitoring functions, to run at a 5 minute interval using crontab. Please DO NOT run the job as the root user.

Crowdin translations update

Download the latest django.po files in the respective locale/ folders from crowdin. Then locally run all or some of these commands depending on which models need updating. It will update the .json files, then check them in.

./ shell < openbook_common/i18n/
./ shell < openbook_common/i18n/
./ shell < openbook_moderation/i18n/
./ shell < openbook_categories/i18n/

Available Django jobs

To schedule a job, go to the /admin/scheduler route on the running webserver.

The available jobs are

Cleans up all draft posts which have not being modified for a day.

Should be run every hour or so.

Curates the top posts, which end up in the explore tab.

Should be run every 5 minutes or so.

Cleans the top posts which should no longer be top posts.

This happens if an item is soft deleted, reported and approved

Should be run every 5 minutes or so.


  1. Use ./ makemessages -l es to generate messages. Doesn't matter which language we target, the translation tool is agnostic.
  2. This generates a new django.po file in the locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/ folder. It will have all the source strings and a place to enter the translation strings. It doesnt overwrite previous translations.
  3. Sometimes, if django is confused, it marks a string as fuzzy. So do search for the word 'fuzzy' in django.po
  4. If you find a fuzzy string, you can resolve it manually. Finally each string should like this
#: openbook_lists/   <- place where the string occurs in code
msgid "The list does not exist."     <- english translations  
msgstr "Die Liste ist nicht vorhanden."   <-- this will be empty for new strings
  1. Upload this django.po file to by pressing Update next to the existing django.po file.
  2. Once all language volunteers have translated the new strings, download all the django.po files for each locale and put them in their respective folders.
  3. Run ./ compilemessages to auto-generate files.
  4. You need to checkin both django.po and files for each locale.


Double logging in console

The local development server runs a separate process for the auto-reloader. You can turn off the auto-reload process by passing the --noreload flag.

python runserver --noreload

Happy coding 🎉!