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FiveM NUI NextJS Boilerplate - Get started quickly with the right tools

Click this button to create a new repository based on this template.

Use this template

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⚠️ Important

If you choose to rename the folder fivem-nextjs-example to something else, make sure to update the NEXT_PUBLIC_RESOURCE_NAME in the .env file. in the ui folder

If you are using vercel to deploy your ui, make sure to update the environment variables in the vercel dashboard

Getting Started

FiveM Resource

  1. Clone this repository or download it as a zip file.
  2. Extract the zip file (if you downloaded it as a zip file).
  3. Move the folder fivem-nextjs-example to your resources folder.
  4. Add ensure fivem-nextjs-example to your server.cfg file.
  5. Update ui_page url in fxmanifest.lua to your ui deployment url
  6. Edit config.lua to your liking.
  7. Start your server.


Deploy via Vercel

  1. Create a new repository from the template button (upper right corner)
  2. Create a new project on
  3. Connect your github repository to vercel
  4. Add the environment variables from .env in the vercel dashboard
  5. Deploy your project
  6. Update ui_page url in fxmanifest.lua to your ui deployment url
  7. Start your server.

Deploy manually

  1. Clone this repository or download it as a zip file.
  2. Extract the zip file (if you downloaded it as a zip file).
  3. Go to the ui folder.
  4. Run npm install or yarn install or pnpm install to install the dependencies.
  5. Run npm run build or yarn build or pnpm build to build the project.
  6. Run npm run start or yarn start or pnpm start to start the project.
  7. Update ui_page url in fxmanifest.lua to your ui deployment url
  8. Start your server.


Join your server and press the hotkey (default: H) to open the menu.

Learn More about NextJS

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!

How does it work?

Send data to the UI from FiveM Client

FiveM Client

-- client.lua
    type = "app/setDisplay", -- Redux type sliceName/reducer
    data = true/false, -- Redux payload


// state/reducers/app.ts
const appSlice = createSlice({
    name: "app", // sliceName
    reducers: {
        // reducer
        setDisplay: (state, action: PayloadAction<boolean>) => {
             state.display = action.payload; // action.payload is the data from the FiveM client

Get data from the FiveM Client


// app/page.tsx
const getPlayerCount = () => {
    // Call FiveM client
    nuiCallback("/getPlayerCount", {}, (result: number) => {
        setPlayerCount(result); // Set React state

FiveM Client

-- client.lua
RegisterNUICallback("getPlayerCount", function(data, cb)
    TriggerServerEvent(cfg.resourceName..":getPlayerCount") -- Ask server for data
    AddEventHandler(cfg.resourceName..":getPlayerCount", function(count)
        cb(count) -- Send server response back to ui
-- server.lua
AddEventHandler(cfg.resourceName..":getPlayerCount", function()
    TriggerClientEvent(cfg.resourceName..":getPlayerCount", source, GetNumPlayerIndices()) -- Respond to client with player count