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Releases: OHDSI/Achilles


18 May 14:14
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Official CRAN release
Achilles updated to meet HADES package standards


02 Aug 18:40
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Official 1.7 release: Comprehensive updates with over 200 issues closed over the 24 months.

With this release the main branch will now remain in sync with the latest release and ongoing development will be directed to the develop branch.

Version 1.6.3

11 Oct 22:29
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New Features

  • (#319) - Enhanced dependency handling
  • (#327) - Vignette detailing how to use the package
  • (#327) - Shiny App for consuming the Heel Results with drill-downs to show the associated queries
  • (#327) - Verbose mode to limit the amount of detail shown in the console
  • (#327) - Enhanced logging using the ParallelLogger package and allowing users to view logs with a Shiny app


  • (#321) - Shortened staging table names for concept hierarchy tables to support Oracle limitation
  • (#321) - Missing semicolon for analysis 1823

Version 1.6.1

02 Oct 21:18
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New Features

  • (#313) - Added drop index statements.
  • (#321) - Added drop if not null statements in dropAllScratchTables


  • (#309) - Oracle error when using zero-length columns
  • (#307) - Restored various missing analyses
  • (#320, #317, #311) - Bugfixes for PostgreSQL, Oracle, Redshift
  • (#321) - Allow vocabDatabaseSchema parameter in achillesHeel
  • (#321) - Analysis_details CSV, analysis 1822 had the wrong field name
  • (#321) - DatabaseConnector::getTableNames() is inconsistently effective in Redshift

Version 1.6.0

28 Aug 21:49
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New Features

  • (#155) - Analyses are now split into separate SQL files
  • (#257) - Change to 60-day grace period per THEMIS
  • (#210) - Current version of Achilles does not support latest published version of CDM

See "Notes" below.


  • (#260) - Missing JOIN condition
  • (#280) - Additional JOIN-related fixes
  • (#279) - Cleans up temp tables in Impala
  • (#305) - JSON file export issue
  • (#301) - Various Docker build issues
  • (#299) - Refactoring of tests
  • (#264) - Added Achilles version and execution date to generated results
  • (#251) - Issues with join in Netezza
  • (#237) - Issue with creation of indices in Netezza


  • This release supports an optional parallelized approach to analysis execution that can result in significant perceived performance.

Version 1.5.0

10 Oct 21:11
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This is the Oct 10, 2017 release of Achilles.

New Features

  • (#204) - New rules 42,43 and 44 (see rule overview CSV file) for details.
  • (#211) - New measures related to frequency distribution that calculate the number of persons associated with more than 1,2,3,4... of a OMOP concept, e.g. >1 BMI (analyses 691,791,891,1891)
  • (#205) - Codebase enhanced to use the latest version of #OHDSI/DatabaseConnector package
  • (#212) - Enhancement of codebase to support OHDSI/WebAPI#227 and related OHDSI/Atlas performance enhancements. See "Notes" below.


  • (#223) - Impala changes (cast command added to some queries
  • (#204) - Updated README file
  • (#222) - Fix of typo in Heel SQL file
  • (#207) - Removal of order by in query that causes error in one sql flavor


  • This release supports performance enhancements (detailed in OHDSI/WebAPI#227) in V2.2.0 of WebAPI. Users of WebAPI V2.2.0 who wish to leverage these enhancements must insure they have run the Achilles methods conceptHierarchy and createIndices.

Version 1.4.0

19 Dec 17:53
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New Features

  • new measures 10,11,12
  • new measures in 2100 range (devices) and 2200 range (notes)
  • one new DQ rule
  • classifications of rules into categories (CDM conformance rules vs. DataQuality rules)
  • updated readme file (and file in extras folder)
  • other smaller changes
  • metadata, export to JSON extensions





Version 1.3.0

17 Jun 00:32
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This is the July release of Achilles including the following changes:


  • R version was updated


  • new type of Heel output (NOTIFICATION) that is even less significant than WARNING
  • rules are divided into DQ rules and model-conformance checking rules (in a rule comment (at this point))
  • Heel rule output indicates in square brackets what type of DQ issue is being checked (e.g., plausibility)
  • new rules were added (for example for unmapped data)
  • new analyses (for v5 CDM) #125
  • new concept of derived analyses (now also called measures). Derived measures have measure_id (similar to analysis_id) (but it is a string (and not integer)) #106
  • derived measures can output float as output (not just integer) (such as ratios, percentages)
  • allow rules to be simple (using derived measures) and thus applied to non CDM datasets (partially) #116
  • new analysis going after concept_0 #72
  • derived measure can be used for data quality assesment that is qualitative (and not mere warning) select * from achilles_results_derived For example select * from achilles_results_derived where measure_id = 'Provider:PatientProviderRatio' (compare data density between databases)

Examples of new rules outputs

"NOTIFICATION:Unmapped data over percentage threshold in:DrugExposure",27,
"NOTIFICATION:Unmapped data over percentage threshold in:Procedure",27,
"NOTIFICATION: percentage of non-numerical measurement records exceeds general population threshold ",28,
"WARNING:[PLAUSIBILITY] infant-age diagnosis (195075) at age 50+",29,11
"NOTIFICATION: Percentage of patients with no visits exceeds threshold",32,
"NOTIFICATION: [GeneralPopulationOnly] Not all deciles represented at first observation",33,

Version 1.2.2

31 May 17:03
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This is a post-fix of 1.2.1 including the following changes:


#108: Table not fully-qualified in AchillesHeel_v5.sql
#110: drug_cost table (+5.0.1 version issues)
#111: Table not fully-qualified in Achilles_v5.sql

Note: R package SqlRender includes a fix that is required for this release. Please ensure you have the latest version of SqlRender installed in your R environment.

Version 1.2.1

31 May 17:03
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This is a release as of May 2016.

Fixed concept type export reports to use the new domain ID and concept_class that was introduced in a recent version of the vocabulary.