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ansible-pi-bootstrap version 1.1.1

This ansible project allows to bootstrap a Raspberry Pi OS or Rocky Linux. That means that everything needed to run ansible on the managed node is installed and a specific ansible user is created with a random password. It must be and can be used only once on each Raspberry you want to manage with ansible.

At the end, the default user password is set with a random value. The only authentication method is the public key.

It is assumed your ansible deployment machine is running Linux or macOS, because Windows is not supported for the control node.

First, create a SSH key on your local machine

The SSH key authenticates you on your Raspberry Pi OS or Rocky Linux in a secure way. If you already have one, you can skip this section.

mkdir -p ${HOME}/.ssh/
chmod 0700 ${HOME}/.ssh/
# use whatever your like as comment string '-C'
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 8192 -C "my@mydomain.tld - ansible deployment authentication" -f ${HOME}/.ssh/ansible_key
# type your passphrase twice, don't use blank one

Keep your private key file in a safe place!

Install your operating system

You will need Balena Etcher to flash your SD card.

Rocky Linux

Download the Rocky Linux for Raspberry Pi. As the time of writing, the available version is 9.0. Use Balena Etcher to flash the image on your SD card.

That's the only thing you have to do with Rocky Linux for Raspberry Pi.

Boot your Raspberry Pi, find your IP address and check the password (rockylinux) is working by connecting with SSH: ssh rocky@your.raspberrypi.hostname.or.ip.

Raspberry Pi OS

Download the Raspberry Pi OS image, choose the Lite version that correspond to your hardware. At the time of writing, the available Raspberry Pi OS is bullseye version. Use Balena Etcher to flash the image on your SD card.

Remount your SD card and find the mount point, on macOS, it will be /Volumes/boot/, on Linux it should be something starting with /mnt or /media.

This entire section must be repeated on each Raspberry Pi you want to manage with ansible.

Enable SSH at boot on Raspberry Pi OS

Just create a ssh file in the boot partition.

# example, on macOS, find yours, if you are on Linux
touch /Volumes/boot/ssh

Create a pi user, with a temporary password on Raspberry Pi OS

Create a pi user with a temporary password by creating a userconf file in the boot partition with the specified content.

# if you want a different temporary password, generate one with openssl
# (on macOS, you may need to install another openssl version with

echo 'mYp@SSw0rd' | openssl passwd -6 -stdin
# $6$sqk2GfpigUa6wK8Z$yDqGDLdi3AqhlpIV4p04f.Inczdlr2blx3fnArRUbgotaJSUVfVkhuJv0988hII8j/mk1IqvChPEukFHZtd4j.

# put the generated password after the pi: string.
echo $'pi:$6$sqk2GfpigUa6wK8Z$yDqGDLdi3AqhlpIV4p04f.Inczdlr2blx3fnArRUbgotaJSUVfVkhuJv0988hII8j/mk1IqvChPEukFHZtd4j.' > /Volumes/boot/userconf

Boot your Raspberry Pi, find your IP address and check the password is working by connecting with SSH: ssh pi@your.raspberrypi.hostname.or.ip.

Install python packages from requirements.txt file

On the ansible manager machine, create a python virtual environment (python 3.8 or newer). This step only needs to be done once. You may use pyenv or what you prefer.

# using pyenv

# install latest python version
pyenv install 3.10.4

# create a virtualenv named ansible-pi from this installed version
pyenv virtualenv 3.10.4 ansible-pi

# go to the directory where you cloned this repository and enable the
# ansible-pi virtualenv in this directory
pyenv local ansible-pi

Then, install the requirements with pip.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Create inventory file

Just copy inventory/hosts.yml.sample to inventory/hosts.yml (warning, there is a .gitignore rule on this filename) and edit its content or copy it to another location.

Set path to your public SSH keys

Set path to your public SSH key(s) in the inventory file. The public keys will be installed on the ansible user authorized_keys file. Just put one public key per line. Warning, this process is exclusive. Old public keys already present in the authorized_keys file will be dropped.

      - /home/yourlogin/.ssh/
      - /home/yourlogin/.ssh/

If ssh_pubkeys_to_install is left empty, the playbook will fail.

Set ANSIBLE_INVENTORY environment variable

You will have to export ANSIBLE_INVENTORY environment variables directly in your shell or you may use direnv.

Set ANSIBLE_INVENTORY to point to your inventory file according to your choice above.

export ANSIBLE_INVENTORY=${PWD}/inventory/hosts.yml

Test the ansible connection

Playbook must be run in two steps, using subsets. The defined password will be prompted.

ansible raspberrypios -m ping -u pi --ask-pass

ansible rockylinux -m ping -u rocky --ask-pass

Bootstrap time

Now, boostrap by using the bootstrap playbook. Playbook must be run in two steps, using subsets.

ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml --limit raspberrypios --ask-pass

ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml --limit rockylinux --ask-pass --ask-become-pass

That's done. Raspberry Pi have been boostrapped. Now, you can login through SSH, using your private key and become root via sudo command without password.

ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/ansible_key ansible@your.raspberrypi.hostname.or.ip

# become root
sudo -i


You may encounter problems with packages manager if your system date is wrong. To set the date on all hosts, you may run these ad hoc commands. The new date will be approximate, because date +%s command is run at the beginning of the playbook, but this will be enough to fix the date problem for now.

# to fix date on raspberrypios hosts (asked password is the one you set when flashing SD card)
ansible raspberrypios -u pi -b --ask-pass -m ansible.builtin.raw -a "date +%s -s @$(date +%s)"

# to fix date on rockylinux hosts (asked password is rockylinux)
ansible rockylinux -u rocky -b --ask-pass --ask-become-pass -m ansible.builtin.raw -a "date +%s -s @$(date +%s)"

Then, run the bootstrap section again.


This repository uses pre-commit hooks and ansible-lint. Install the requirements with pip.

pip install -r

Then install hooks.

pre-commit install

To lint, just run this command or do a commit.

pre-commit run --all-files