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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 25, 2023. It is now read-only.


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Provides balancers and sorters to the game that do not require electricity to operate.

How to install

⚠️ You will need to start a new game to play this mod. This is a restriction of CoI.

Download the latest release:

  1. From the downloaded zip, copy the contents of the Mods folder to your Captain of Industry Mods folder.

    By default, this is Documents\Captain of Industry\Mods. You can find out where exactly by running the following in PowerShell:

    ((new-object -COM Shell.Application).Namespace(0x05).Self.Path + '\Captain of Industry\Mods')
  2. Verify inside 'Mods' folder, each sub-folder has a dll file with the same name as the folder, it is fine if other DLLs are also present.

  3. Enable the Enable mods options in the ingame settings.

  4. Start a new game!

How to use

After research, simply place them down as you would a normal balancer/sorter.


Research: Unpowered

  • Unpowered balancers: dependant on Conveyor Belts III and Pipes III first being completed.

  • Unpowered sorters: dependant on Unpowered balancers first being completed.