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Discord TS Boilerplate

This a simple boilerplate to help you get started with discord bot development and typescript.

Batteries included

Main libs

  • DiscordJS
  • Typescript

Code quality

  • Prettier
  • Eslint
  • Lint staged


  • Knex Query builder
  • PostgreSQL driver

A note about the database. The code to set up and connect is commented out in config/database.ts Edit that file if you need to enable and make sure to check .env.example for the necessary environment variables

Overall structure

index.ts is the entry point for the project.

parseCommand.ts can be used to place function that will read messages sent to the bot and check which function should be called to handle given command.

/guards/rolesGuard.ts is a file that has a HOF that will return the functin the be executed only if the user role matches the allowed ones.

/entities usefull if you need to work with the database

/config place any other configuration file you might find useful

/common stuff that will be used across the application but doesn't match any other category

/commands put your commands here. You can separate by files or out everything in a single one. It's up to you.

Deployment on Heroku

There's a procfile configure to help with Heroku hosting, to make the bot properly work. If you plan on using it, make sure the value associated to service matches your server start command or any other command you need in order to get everything running.

If you plan on hosting somewhere else, just get rid of this file.


A boilerplate for discordjs with Prettier, Typescript, Lint and a initial folder strucure






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