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Repository files navigation

Svelte TIL directory project

This project aims to serve as an index for a TIL (today I learned) repository.

Instead of using Github's ugly interface to access you knowledge center you can customize this project to list it yourself in a much nicer interface.

Running the project

Fork project, install dependencies and run using the dev command. (e.g: yarn dev or npm run dev).

Environment variables

In order to properly run the project, copy the contents of .env.template to a new .env file. Setup your github's username and the repositoy name where you are holding your TIL content.


Github's TIL repositoy structure

Ideally, you should separete content by folder. Keep each content folder at the root of your repository. Inside each folder, write what you learned in a markdown file.

    | - content_folder
    | - another_content_folder
    | - more_content_folder
        | - I learned this

Forbidden/hidden content

Use the env var VITE_FORBIDDEN_FOLDERS to configure folders that should be excluded from being rendered in the content list.

Names should be comma separated.

Important notes

Right now the requests to github are all unauthenticated. Rate limits to your requests may apply. With that in mind, your repository can't be private. Remember to not put any sensitive information in this repository.