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DefferedTaskKit is a simple library for wrapping closures that can be executed at a later time


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DefferedTaskKit is a simple library for wrapping closures that can be executed at a later time.


DefferedTask works with Value, but DefferedResult is working with Result type.


  1. Task will be executed only on subscription by 'onComplete' method'. If you don't subscribe to the task, it will never be executed.
  2. By default, the task is 'selfRetaint' and you don't need save reference in variables for task. Use 'weakify()' method to prevent retain cycle.
  3. You can handle 'deinit' of task if you need.


DefferedTask<Int> { completion in
    print("start task")
    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {
        print("end task")
} onDeinit: {
.beforeComplete { result in
    print("beforeComplete: \(result)") // print 10
.afterComplete { result in
    print("afterComplete: \(result)") // print 10
.set(userInfo: "subject")
.map { value in
    return value * 2
.beforeComplete { result in
    print("beforeComplete: \(result)") // print 20
.afterComplete { result in
    print("afterComplete: \(result)") // print 20
.onComplete { result in
    print("onComplete: \(result)") // print 20

console output:

start task
beforeComplete: 10
beforeComplete: 20
onComplete: 20
afterComplete: 20
afterComplete: 10
end task


Special task that is caching tasks while executing single main task.

let pending: PendingTask<Int> = .init()

for i in 0..<10 {
    pending.current { completion in
        print("start main task")
        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {
            print("end main task")
    }.onComplete { _ in
        print("onComplete: \(i)")

console output:

start main task
onComplete: 0
onComplete: 1
onComplete: 2
onComplete: 3
onComplete: 4
onComplete: 5
onComplete: 6
onComplete: 7
onComplete: 8
onComplete: 9
end main task


Special task that is polling main task with idleTimeInterval and retryCount.

var idx = 0
PollingTask<Int>(idleTimeInterval: 1,
                 retryCount: 5,
                 generator: {
    return .init { completion in
        print("start main task")
        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {
            idx += 1
            print("end main task")
                 shouldRepeat: { idx in
    print("shouldRepeat \(idx)")
    return idx < 4
                 response: { idx in
    print("response: \(idx)")
.onComplete { result in
    print("completed \(result)")

console output:

start main task
response: 0
shouldRepeat 0
end main task
start main task
response: 1
shouldRepeat 1
end main task
start main task
response: 2
shouldRepeat 2
end main task
start main task
response: 3
shouldRepeat 3
end main task
start main task
response: 4
shouldRepeat 4
completed 4
end main task